Chapter 48

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Tensions remained high until graduation day. Up until that point, everyone was fighting with each other. I tried my best to keep things civil, but I was either ignored or snapped at. Raven had left a few days ago after she got into a heated argument with Qrow. Now I was alone getting ready in the bathroom. I could hear Tai and Qrow arguing over my hairdryer.

"Does it matter if she shows up? Let her stay gone. We don't need her at graduation," I heard Qrow yell.

"It does matter! She's been missing for days now! I can't believe you aren't worried about her!" Tai snapped back.

"I'm not worried. After the way she's been treating us these last few weeks, I'd say she's better off dead!"

I turned off my hairdryer and quickly brushed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom just in time to see Tai's fist flying toward Qrow's face.

"YOU BASTARD!" Tai screamed.

Qrow's eyes widened and he barley missed being hit. Tai's fist hit the wall, causing a huge hole.

Tai removed his hand and rubbed his knuckles.
"That hurt a bit," he mumbled.

I walked over to the both of them.
"Are you proud of yourselves? Is this really how you want to leave this academy?"

They both looked at me.

"No," Qrow whispered. "Things wouldn't be like this if—"

I held up my hand. "I've heard enough. Graduation is later today and I expect you both to be ready. And if Raven shows up, please tell her to prepare too. Now, if you excuse me."

I turned to walk back to the bathroom, when my scroll started to vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Raven.

"Where have you been?!" I yelled at her.

"No need to yell. I'm with my tribe. They needed my help with some Grimm," she explained.

"Well, you better hurry and get back. Graduation is today."

There was a pause.
"...That's today?" Raven asked.

I sighed. "Yes."

"Oh. Well, can you ask Ozpin to mail me my license?"

"Considering your tribe doesn't really have an address and moves around a lot, I don't think that's possible. Besides, I'd rather you show up for this. It'll be the last time we'll ever see each other most likely."

"Ugh... I don't really see the point in coming to something I'll hate, Summer."

"Please show up. After this, you can return to your tribe and never have to deal with your team ever again," I said.

"Fine... I'll be there in a few minutes."

I hung up and turned to Tai and Qrow.
"Good news. Raven will be here."

"I was worried about her," Tai admitted.

Qrow shrugged. "Whatever. I could care less. After this is over, I may never speak to her again."

"Just... don't fight. I've had enough of that these last few weeks," I said.

Qrow looked guilty. "I know... I'm sorry."

I embraced him. "It's okay."

Raven showed up a few minutes later.
"I'm here," she said.

I smiled and walked over to embrace her. She tensed up for a moment, but then relaxed and hugged me back.

"I missed you," I said.

"Yeah. I missed you too, Summer. Ready to graduate today?"

"Honestly... I am. I can finally begin my career as a huntress!"

Raven rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.

"Raven," Tai said, glaring at her.

"Hello, Tai. Need something?"

"No. How's your puny tribe doing?"

"Excuse me?!" She snarled. "My tribe is anything but puny. I'll have you know that my group of bandits could beat you down any day!"

I stepped between them. "No need for name calling, you two. We have a graduation ceremony to attend."

Before either of them could respond, the intercom came on.

"Attention all Beacon graduates. Could you please make your way to the auditorium? The graduation ceremony is set to begin in one hour."

"That's our cue. Come on, everyone," I said, walking towards the door.

We walked inside the auditorium and took our seats. The place was filled with upperclassmen, many of which I didn't really know.

"Do we really have to wait here for an hour? This is a complete waste of time," Raven snapped.

"And you're a complete waste of space," I heard Qrow snap back.

Raven stood to her feet. I placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her.
She shot a glare at Qrow before sitting down.

"So... I know everyone has been a little tense lately. Which is why I wanted to invite you all to my place after graduation. We can have one last hang out together," Tai suggested.

"That actually sounds kind of fun," I replied. "Since when did you have a place? Don't you live with your parents?"

"I did, yeah. They moved out a few weeks ago and left the place to me."

"Lucky," Qrow said. "At least you'll have a place to go after this..."

We waited in silence until Ozpin walked onto the stage. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Fellow students, today marks your final day here at this academy. From now on, you all will be recognized as official huntsmen and will be tasked with protecting this world."

The rest of his speech went on for around an hour until he started to call out various team names.

"That speech was about as boring as his other ones," I heard Tai mutter to himself.

I shrugged and waited for our name to be called.

"Last, but certainly not least... Team STRQ."

"Come on, that's us," I said.

My team quietly followed me into the stage where Ozpin was waiting.

"Congratulations, Miss Rose," he said with a smile. He handed me my license and I couldn't help but grin with pride.

"Thank you, sir," I replied.

After he handed out the licenses to the rest of my teammates, we walked off stage.

"Glad that's over. Now if you excuse me," Raven said.

Tai put his hand on her arm to stop her.
"Hey, I invited you to my place. You can at least hang out with us one last time before you leave."

"But Summer said—"

"I know what I said. But I think you should allow yourself to enjoy this. We deserve it since we've worked so hard. And I want to take a photo of us before we go our separate ways," I said.

Raven sighed. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

I smiled and hugged her. "This will be be much fun!"

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now