Chapter 46

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The girl screamed as she covered her bloodied face with her hands. A few students ran over to comfort the girl as she sobbed. I stood from my seat and walked over to Raven.

"Why did you do that?!" I asked.

She glared at me. "Because she wouldn't shut up! I told her to stop, but she didn't listen! So I decided to take matters into my own hands."

"But you hurt another student!"

"It's not my fault that stupid girl can't defend herself!"

"It doesn't matter. That poor girl didn't deserve that!" I snapped.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone, Summer!"

I stared at her. "What's gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?"

She said nothing as she fled the room. I sprinted after her.

"Raven, wait!" I cried.

She stopped running and faced me. Her eyes filled with fear.

"Summer... I can't take this anymore. After everything I've learned... magic... the maidens... the relics. I'm scared. More scared than I've been in my entire life. If Ozpin hid this from us... then what else is he hiding? He could be a murderer for all we know!"

I put my hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her. She slapped my hand away.

"Raven... I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. Your team is right here with you. I know what we've learned is... intense. But I'm certain that Ozpin had his reasons to hide things like this. He was probably afraid we wouldn't believe him."

Raven shook her head. "No. I don't believe you. I don't trust Ozpin. Especially not now. After everything he's hidden from me, why would I trust him?"

"I'm sorry to hear that you don't trust me, Miss Branwen," a voice behind us said.

Raven and I jumped and whirled around to see Ozpin standing a few feet away.

"You!" Raven snapped. "You followed us, didn't you?!"

Ozpin shook his head. "No. I didn't. I was just passing by when I caught wind of your conversation. And I've gotten a report that you've injured a student, Miss Branwen."

Raven glared at him. "That girl started it! She wouldn't keep her mouth shut, so I decided to take care of things myself!"

"By using violence...?"

"Yes. If that girl was really training to be a huntress, she would've defended herself. I bet I could kill all your students easily."

Ozpin stared at her. "This behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Why don't you and I head to my office and come to an agreement on your future here at Beacon?"

"I don't follow your orders. You're going to have to make me," Raven snapped back.

Ozpin nodded, looking somewhat sad. "I feared that."

I watched as he raised his hand. I thought he was going to hit her, but then his hand started at glow with a warm light.

Raven looked confused. "What are you—"

She suddenly stopped and yawned. Then her body went limp and fell to the floor. I caught her before her head hit the ground.

"What... what did you do?" I asked.

Ozpin smiled. "No need to be alarmed. I just used a bit of magic to make her fall asleep. Would you mind meeting me in my office? And I would like for you to contact the rest of your team. We need to have a talk about today's events... and what it could mean for the future of team STRQ."

I nodded slowly. "Of course. I'll met you there."

I watched as Ozpin took Raven gently into his arms and walk towards the elevator. After he was gone, I shakily took out my scroll and called Qrow. He answered in a few rings.

"Hey, Summer. Did you need anything?"

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Um... I do actually. Something happened during class today with Raven, and now Ozpin wants the entire team to meet in his office."

"What happened with Raven? Is she okay?!"

"She's... fine. I'll explain once you and Tai get here. Please hurry," I said.

"Okay. We'll be there soon."

I hung up and waited in silence. Qrow and Tai showed up about ten minutes later. Tai looked especially upset.

"Is Raven hurt?! What happened?!" Tai asked.

"Raven is okay physically, but I'm not so sure about her mental state. She... hurt another student in class today," I explained.

Tai looked surprised. "She what?!"

I told them about what happened in class and how Raven slammed the girl's face into her desk.

"I can't see Raven doing anything like that," Tai said.

Qrow shrugged. "I can. She's always had a violent side to her. She doesn't show it very often but when she does... it isn't pleasant."

"We need to see Ozpin. I don't want to keep him waiting long," I said.

Tai sighed. "Right. Let's go."

Tai and Qrow followed behind me to the elevator and we waited in silence as it brought us to Ozpin's office. I pressed the buzzer.

"You may enter," I heard Ozpin say.

We walked in and saw Raven sitting across from Ozpin. I was happy to see she had woke up.

"Thank you for meeting with me today, team STRQ. I have tried to talk with Raven about today's events, but she wasn't really willing to speak with me. I was hoping you would tell me what happened, Summer."

I walked forward and took a seat next to Raven.
"Of course, Professor. Class started off normally. Around halfway through, Raven came in late. Near the end, things went... badly. There was a girl who kept on talking and Raven was getting annoyed with her. The next thing I knew, she suddenly got out of her seat and rammed that girl's face into her desk..."

Ozpin was silent for several moments. Qrow must've sensed my discomfort and took my hand. I looked at him and smiled gratefully.

Ozpin cleared his throat. "Thank you for explaining, Summer. As for—"

"I want to leave," Raven said, interrupting him.

Ozpin looked at her. "I'll allow you all the leave once I—"

"No. I want to leave Beacon. I don't want to stay here anymore. I've had enough of my team. And I've had enough of you."

"Excuse me?!" I asked.

I was about to get out of my seat when Ozpin spoke.

"Well... if that's the case then I suppose I could pull some strings for you all," Ozpin replied.

"What do you mean?" Tai asked.

"What I mean is that I could allow your team to graduate early."

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now