Chapter 9

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The four of us remained silent as we walked into the elevator. After Ozpin had pressed a few buttons, the elevator started to go up.

"I don't understand why we need to be in your office to talk. Couldn't you have spoken to us in our dorm? I swear, some of the things you do don't make sense," Raven snapped at Ozpin.

Ozpin sighed. "Patience Raven. I'll answer all of your questions in due time."

We stepped off the elevator and walked down a hallway that lead to a single door. Ozpin unlocked it and gestured us to walk inside. The office itself was high above the school, provided an overview of most of it. I heard the sound of metal gears turning above me. Ozpin's mahogany desk was sat near the large window. There were several shelves of books to my delight. Ozpin was quite the reader too it seemed.

"Now... you all must be wondering why I wanted you all here," Ozpin said. "To be honest with you all, I didn't want the other students to overhear the offer I'm about to make to you."

Raven's eyes narrowed. "What offer?"

"Now, I don't usually do this for teams of students, but considering how well you four are progressing... I feel as if I can make an exception for you."

"Okay. So what is this offer?" I asked.

"How would you four feel if you had... harder missions to complete? These missions wouldn't be just taking care of Grimm infested areas. You would be searching for missing huntsmen, catching criminals and escorting individuals through dangerous places."

"Uh... that sounds a bit too much, don't you think?" Tai asked. "We're only first year students."

"I wouldn't offer these types of missions to you if I didn't think you four could handle it. However, I'm not forcing you to take them on either. You can reject the offer if you want," Ozpin replied.

"It would give us more experience. And it would make us look a lot better after we graduate," Qrow said, thoughtful.

"Yeah. It's not everyday you can go and catch criminals like this either. It sounds like it could be fun," Tai said.

Raven was quiet for a moment.
"I...guess I could do tougher missions," she said quietly.

The three of my teammates looked at me, waiting for my response.

"If my team if fine with this, then I am too."

"Excellent. You can begin these missions as soon as tomorrow, they should be unlocked by then. Thank you for your cooperation team STRQ. You can return to your dorms, but please be... discrete about this."

We all nodded in agreement and headed back to our dorm in silence.

"Okay... that was really odd," Raven said, shutting the door behind her.

"It may be a bit odd, but I think it's cool! We can go catch bad guys soon!" Tai exclaimed.

"I bet there's always one team he does this to. Try not to worry about it, Raven," I said.

"I think Ozpin is doing this because he knows our team is different," Qrow said.

I looked at him. "Different? How so?"

Qrow smiled. "For starters, we have a beautiful silver-eyed leader."

My face became warm. "Qrow!"

"He has a point," Tai replied. "I've never seen silver eyes before, so they must be a rare eye color. And Ozpin did place us in advanced classes."

"Just because I have silver eyes doesn't mean I'm special. And the reason Ozpin put us in advanced courses was most likely due to our fast progress. He probably felt like the courses were to slow paced for us," I explained.

"Makes sense. What should we do about the new missions?" Qrow asked.

"We can discuss that tomorrow. We have classes to attend."

After we unpacked, we headed to our classes. The rest of the day went on like usual and I was back from my classes after dark.

"Did you hear about the robbery?" Tai asked me when I walked through the door.

I shook my head. "What robbery?"

"Apparently a small dust shop was robbed a few hours ago not too far from here," Raven explained. "What's odd is that the robbers weren't interested in money. All they wanted was dust."

"That's weird. I'm going to check it out," I said.

"We'll come with you," Qrow said, following me outside.

We walked around the block until we saw the small dust shop. The windows were busted and there was a smoke coming from somewhere inside the building. A few police officers were talking to a man, who I assumed was the owner of the shop. A few other officers were talking with one another near the entrance of the shop.

"...Do you think it could be connected to the other robberies?" I heard one ask.

"Not sure. What confuses me is that they weren't interested in money. Who needs that much dust anyway?"

I walked up to them slowly. "Excuse me... what happened here?"

The officers looked at me for a moment before one of them spoke.

"A dust robbery. The third one this week in fact. We're thinking they could be connected, but we're not sure."

"Do you have any leads so far?" Tai asked.

One of the offices shook his head.
"Nope. They left no trace of any kind."

After talking with the officers for a few more minutes, we decided to head back to our dorm.

"Well... that was a waste of time. How are they supposed to catch somebody if they don't have any leads?" Raven asked.

"I'm sure they'll find them soon enough. Don't worry about it," Qrow replied.

"Let's just go to sleep. I'm getting tired," I said, climbing into bed.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now