Chapter 11

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Qrow and I studied for about an hour until we heard the door to our dorm swing open. We looked up from our notes to see that Tai and Raven were back. Tai was holding a few brown bags that I assumed had food in them.

"We got you guys some food for later in case you got hungry," Tai explained, putting the bags in the mini fridge we bought.

"Thanks," I said.

"Now that you two are back, Summer would like to share something with you that we both think is very important," Qrow said.

"And what is that?" Raven asked.

"I know that might sound a little strange... but I swear that I'm not making this up," I insisted.

"Um... okay. What's so important then?" Tai asked.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. "I... I think I'm having visions of the future."

"If this is some kind of joke... it isn't funny," Raven said.

"It's not. Summer knew my semblance before I even mentioned it to her. These visions seem to come to her when she's asleep," Qrow explained.

"Is that how you saved Raven on our first mission? Did you have a vision about it beforehand?" Tai asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Please... let's just keep this between us for now. I don't want anyone to know yet. Especially Ozpin."

"Why don't you want Ozpin to know?" Raven asked.

"I... just don't want to draw attention to myself. I may not be having visions at all. These dreams could just be a coincidence. I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing."

"Coincidence or not, please tell us whenever you have one of these visions again. Especially if it's about one of us. That last thing we need is to have a member of our team get hurt," Raven said.

I smiled a little. "I promise. I just didn't want to say anything because I thought you wouldn't believe me..."

"I'll admit, it does sound a bit out there, but I'm willing to believe you, Summer. I don't think our own leader would lie to us," Tai explained.

"I would never do such a thing," I insisted.

"Uh... sorry to interrupt, but we have class soon Summer," Qrow reminded me.

"Okay. We'll see you two later."

"See you guys," Tai said.

During our next class, which was a combat class, I did my best to take notes about various combat strategies. Qrow ended up falling asleep halfway through the class unsurprisingly. After the lecture was over, the professor would usually call out a few students to come and spar against one another.

"Summer Rose? You've been quite docile for these past few classes. Would you come down and demonstrate swordplay for the class please?" the professor asked.

Qrow's head snapped up as I slowly stood to my feet. He turned and smiled at me.

"You've got this," he said.

I smiled back before I made my way to the front of the class. Another classmate, who I didn't know, was standing before me. He was quite a bit taller than I was and he wore plated armor.

"You may begin the match," the professor said.

Before I could move, my opponent's sword came racing towards my face. I dodged it quickly and countered by hitting my sword against his, knocking it out of his hand. As he tried to run over to retrieve it, I used my foot to trip him. He landed on his back with a hard thud. I pointed my sword inches from his throat.

"Better luck next time," I smirked.

"That concludes the match. Excellent work, Miss Rose. As you can see students, the opponent's aura has gone into the red. In a tournament, this would indicate that they are no longer fit for battle. Can anyone tell me how Summer won this match?"

Qrow's hand immediately shot up.
"Yeah. Summer kicked his ass!"

The whole room erupted into laughter.

The professor glared at him. "Not funny Qrow Branwen. Miss Rose was able to doge the attacks while she countered them effectively. Perhaps you could learn a thing from her. Class is dismissed."

As Qrow and I left to go back to our dorm, I heard a voice call out to me.


I turned around to see Glynda  run up to me.

"Oh. Hey Glynda. What's up?" I asked.

"I saw that fight. You did amazing!"

I blushed, a bit embarrassed. "Thank you," I said quietly. "My opponent didn't seem to have that much experience in swordplay, to be fair."

"Still, you destroyed him. You never cease to amaze me," Qrow said.

I blushed more. "I wouldn't go that far, but... thanks."

"I saw that your team signed up for a new mission. Good luck," Glynda said. "I would stay longer, but I have class in a few minutes. I'll see you soon."

I waved at her. "See you."

When we made it back to our dorm, Tai was asleep on his bed and Raven was looking over what appeared to be notes.

"I heard you kicked some student's ass earlier today," Raven said, looking up from her notes.

I glared at Qrow. "You told her?!"

"I told everyone," he said.

"Great. Now everyone is going to think I'm this awesome fighter. I'm not. That student didn't even seem to have that much experience anyway."

"That's not what I heard," Qrow replied. "I heard that he was the best of his class when he went to Signal. I'd say your victory was impressive."

I started to blush again. "Qrow!"

Tai stirred a little and sat up.
"What's going on?" he asked groggily.

"Summer just kicked a kid's ass," Raven replied.

Tai's eyes lit up. "Really? Man, I wish I saw that!"

"It's really no big deal," I said.

"Of course it is. He was the top of his class."

"Was he really? That's impressive," Tai replied.

Qrow turned to me and winked. "I told you."

I gently pushed him away as I made my way to my bed.

"Could you guys let it go? It was just one sparring match."

"Aren't you proud of yourself?" Raven asked.

"Of course I am. I'm just... not used to this much praise."

"Well... if you ever want to train, just let me know. I'm quite good at sword play myself," Raven said.

"I'll keep that in mind," I replied, covering myself with the sheets.

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