Chapter 25

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Qrow and I made our way to the library and looked around. It my first time being inside since I arrived at Beacon. The building was huge. There had to be countless numbers of books to read.

"So, where do we start first?" Qrow asked.

"I guess at the history section," I suggested.

We walked over to the history section of the library and started scanning through books. There were several on the history of Vale and how Beacon was founded, but nothing on silver eyes.

"Ozpin wasn't kidding when he said these silver eyes were rare. You can't even find a single book on them," Qrow said.

I sighed, disappointed. "Sorry for wasting our time here."

Qrow smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I would never call spending time with you a waste," he replied.

I blushed a little. "Now what do we do?"

Qrow looked thoughtful for a moment.
"I would suggest going to Ozpin and asking him if there are any written records on silver eyes, but we've already seen him once today. He might get annoyed if we try to see him again."

I sighed. "You have a point. Let's just go back to our dorm. Our classes are about the start."

We got back around noon and found Raven packing her things.

"Raven... what are you doing?" I asked.

She looked up at me. "Packing. The semester ends in a few days, and my brother and I plan on staying with our tribe for the summer. Qrow, you should start packing too. Better to get it done now than later."

Qrow shifted uncomfortably.
"Uh... about that. I don't plan on going back to the tribe, Raven."

Raven glared at him. "...What?"

"I actually plan on staying here with Summer year round," he explained.

Raven finished packing her stuff and zipped up her bag. "I get it. You want to stay here until you graduate. That's fine. Four years is a long time to stay away from the tribe, though."

"Raven... I don't plan on ever going back to the tribe."

Raven froze for a few seconds. Her face, once calm, turned into anger.
"What?!" she yelled. "You can't just leave the tribe like that!"

Qrow glared back at her. "I can. And I plan to."

"They're your family!"

"...They're killers and thieves, Raven. They go against all that I stand for. I can't be apart of that lifestyle anymore."

"Have you forgotten why we attended this school, Qrow? The entire purpose of us going here is to learn how to protect our tribe. Our family. And you mean to tell me you're turning against them? Against me?"

"I'm not turning against you, Raven," Qrow insisted. "I have a new goal now. And that goal is to be a huntsman. Just like our leader."

Raven turned to me, her eyes filled with rage. "What did you say to my brother?"

"I didn't say anything. When Qrow told me he wanted to be a huntsman, all I did was give him my support. And you should too, Raven."

"...We'll talk about this later, Qrow. I need time to cool off."

With that, she ran off. Qrow and I stood in complete silence, unsure of what to say after the events.

"She didn't take the news so well," I said.

Qrow nodded. "I expected it. Raven cares more about her tribe than anything else at the moment."

"She doesn't always seem that way though. She shows a softer, more compassionate side at times."

"That's true. Maybe it's this magic thing? Do you think the pain she's experiencing is doing something to her?"

I shook my head. "I'm not sure. But if it gets worse, we should see Ozpin. He was the one who gave her the magic. Maybe he can help the pain too."

"I hope so."

Tai walked in a few moment later.
"...Did I miss something? I saw Raven running out of the dorm. She looked quite angry, so I didn't go after her."

"We... kind of got into an argument," Qrow said.

"Oh... Well I hope you guys sort it out soon," he said.

Qrow nodded. "I'll try talking to her later."

Qrow and I left for our classes a while later. I was relieved this would be my last class this semester. All I needed to do was pass the final exam. Combat was easy for me, so the exam wouldn't be that hard.

My class came and went quickly. Since I was the first one done with my exam, I was allowed to leave early. I left for my dorm and returned to find Raven had come back. I sighed in relief.

"Glad to see you're back," I said, walking over to my bed and putting away my things.

Raven nodded. "Yeah. I sorted out my thoughts and talked to Qrow. We've come to an... understanding. He went to his class a little while ago."

"...Are you still mad about him leaving the tribe?" I asked.

"A little. But I can't change his mind, so I guess I'll just deal with it."

"Oh. I'll miss you," I said.

Raven smiled a bit. "Yeah. I'll miss you too, Summer. But I'll come back next semester."

I walked over to my bed and grabbed my sword.

"Wanna have one last spar together before you leave?" I asked.

"Sure. We should do it outside though. If we sparred in here we'd most likely break something."

I laughed as I followed her to the courtyard.

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