Chapter 35

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Raven came back from class a few hours later. I didn't see Tai anywhere, which I found odd.

"Hey Raven, where's Tai?" I asked.

Raven sighed. "He'll return eventually. He got detention in class for talking too much."

"Really? What was he talking about?"

"He was mainly talking to me every five minutes and asking what the answer was. Needless to say, the professor didn't appreciate it. So now he's stuck doing assignments until this evening," Raven replied.

"At least it isn't summer detention. And I was hoping he would help me with tonight..."

Raven looked at me quizzically.
"Is there something going on tonight?" she asked.

"Well... I'm going on a date with Qrow to a cafe near here later. But I had an idea that I think would make the date extra special. But if Tai isn't here, then I guess I won't be able to do it..."

"Maybe I could help? What is it you're planning to do?"

"I was going to set up a small dance room here in our dorm. Since Qrow and I didn't really get to dance much at the actual event, I thought I would make it up to him," I said.

Raven's eyes sparkled a bit. "Aww... that sounds so romantic and cute, Summer! And I think I have just the plan. I'll be sure to set everything up before you two return tonight. Don't worry, Tai and I will make sure to make ourselves scarce. We wouldn't want to ruin this important night after all."

I stared at her. "Are you sure you're okay with doing this? I didn't want to ask because I thought you would be busy with studying or something."

"Don't worry about it. I'll handle it. You should start getting ready for your date."

"If you insist... I need to find something to wear."

I walked over to the closet that I shared with Raven. After skimming through a few dresses, I found one that was kind of cute. It was a strapless black dress that had sequins all over, so the dress sparkled whenever it hit the light. I took it from the hanger and went into the bathroom to try it on. I heard a knock on the door a few minutes later.

"Qrow, If that's you, I can't let you see me yet. I want it to be a surprise," I said.

"I'm not Qrow," I heard Raven say.
"I wanted to ask if you needed any help with the dress."

"That would be great. I can't reach the zipper on the back."

Raven opened the door and let herself in. She shut the door behind her and turned to look at me.

"That's a cute dress," she said, zipping the back for me.

I smiled. "Thanks. Should I wear my hood?"

Raven looked thoughtful. "You can if you want. I think you look just fine without it. Do you want me to help you with your hair or makeup?"

I nodded. Raven reached underneath the sink and brought out a makeup kit and a curling iron.

"What color of eyeshadow would you like?" she asked.

"Something that brings out my eyes."

She smiled. "You got it. Any preference of hairstyle?"

"Anything is fine. I don't normally do my hair."

"I'll come up with something, then," she said,
plugging the curling iron in and turning it on.

She opened up the makeup kit and brought out some dark looking eyeshadow as well as some black eyeliner. I did my best to hold still and not blink as Raven carefully applied the eyeshadow. I recoiled as she grabbed the eyeliner.

She laughed a little. "Don't worry, Summer. I won't poke your eye out."

I smiled and relaxed a little as she began to lightly trace the outside of my eyes. It tickled a little.

"...Okay. Makeup is done. Take a look," she said, handing me a small hand mirror.

I looked down to see how she did. The dark eyeliner and grey eyeshadow really did seem to draw out my eyes quite a bit.

"Wow. This is really pretty, Raven. You did a great job."

She blushed a little at the compliment. "Thank you. I try my best. Now, let's get started on your hair."

"Do you have a style in mind?" I asked.

"I'm just going to curl the ends. Nothing too fancy. I think it's going to be really cute."

She walked over to me with the curling iron and started to get to work. I could feel the heat of the iron on the back of my neck. Raven was curling slowly, tying not to burn me.

After around fifteen minutes or so, the turned off the curling iron and laid it down.

"Okay... all done. Take a look."

I turned to face the mirror. The hairstyle was simple, but beautiful. The red tips at the end of my hair were curled while the rest of my hair was strait.

"Wow," I said.

"Do you like it?" Raven asked, sounding a little nervous.

I turned towards her and smiled.
"I love it. How did you learn to do all this?"

"I don't really know. It kind of comes natural to me I guess," she replied.

I hugged her. "Well, I think you did a great job. Maybe you can help me with this again sometime."

She embraced me back. "I'd be happy to."

I grabbed my hood and put it on. I felt really weird without it.

"Qrow should be back any minute," Raven said.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I said, walking out of the bathroom and towards the door. Qrow was standing in the doorway in a nice looking suit holding some white roses in his hands. His jaw dropped when he saw me.

"Wow... you look so beautiful!" he exclaimed. "Did you do all that yourself?"

"Not exactly. She had help from me," I heard Raven say behind me.

"Makes sense. These are for you," he said, holding the roses towards me. I took them and sniffed. The scent of fresh roses smelled lovely.

"I didn't know what type of flowers you liked, so I played it safe and got some roses," Qrow explained.

I grinned at him. "You chose right. Roses are my favorite. I'll go put them in a vase real quick."

Raven quickly walked to my side and took the roses gently.

"I'll take care of it. You two go have fun. Don't stay out to late, though."

Qrow rolled his eyes. "Fine, sis. We won't stay out longer than ten tonight."

"Good. Have fun!"

Raven pushed me gently towards Qrow and shut the door, leaving us alone.

I linked my arm with Qrow's. He smiled and kissed me. "Ready to go?"

I grinned. "Yep. Lead the way."

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now