Chapter 47

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All of us sat in silence, stunned at what Ozpin just said.

"You... could allow us to graduate? But we've only been here for about two years," I said.

"True, but that doesn't mean you aren't ready. I think you all have good experience by now."

Raven glared at him. "Is that why you let us take those advanced courses? You wanted us to graduate early, didn't you?"

"That wasn't my intention at first. But after I saw how well you all fought together and handled those missions, I wanted to see you all graduate as soon as possible. I was waiting for the right opportunity to bring it up."

"But we're not ready!" I protested. "There's still so much we need to learn! I—"

"You learn more on the field, Miss Rose, I assure you," Ozpin said, interrupting me.

"Well, we're going to need some time to discuss this as a team first, please," Tai said.

"I don't see anything to discuss here," Raven replied. "Either you're ready to graduate or you're not."

Tai turned to her. "But—"

"But nothing," Raven snapped. "I for one am ready to graduate so I can finally leave this place and go back to my tribe."

"Raven... you don't get to make that decision for the entire team," I said. "We need to decide together on this."

"I wouldn't mind graduating early," Tai said. "The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can start our careers as real huntsmen. Isn't that why we're all here? I mean... except for Raven."

"Tai has a point. But I'm fine with whatever you decide, Summer," Qrow said.

"I don't know. This is all going so fast. I thought we would have at least a bit more time together," I whispered, my eyes stinging with tears.

Tai put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry, Summer. Just because we're going to graduate doesn't mean we'll never see each other. Isn't that right, Raven?"

Raven scowled. "I guess so..."

"And you know I'm not going anywhere. I don't plan on leaving you," Qrow said, taking my hand gently.

I smiled. "You guys are the best. And if you're fine graduating early, then I guess I am too."

Ozpin smiled a bit. "Wonderful. Graduation won't be until a few months. I'm sure I can get your paperwork completed before then. Thank you for your time, Team STRQ."

After we had returned to our dorm, I gestured for Raven to sit next to me. She walked over slowly and sat on my bed.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

"I wanted to ask about what you said earlier. You didn't really mean it when you said you were tired of the team, right?"

"I meant it all, Summer. I didn't come here to make friends and be a team player. I came here to learn how kill huntsmen. Did you forget that?"

"But... I thought we are finally getting along."

Raven sighed. "What do you expect, Summer? That our team will graduate and we'll all end up happily ever after? That's not how the world works. It's cruel... it's harsh... and it's terrifying. You're going to have to learn how to survive. The weak die, and the strong live. That's how things work."

I shook my head. "I don't think that's how the world works at all. I believe there are good people out there. Like our team and Ozpin."

Raven glared at me. "You're so gullible and naive Summer. I'm heading out. I'll be back whenever I want."

As she got up and walked toward the door, Tai put her hand on her shoulder.

"Wait. If you go back to your tribe... what will happen to us?"

Raven removed his hand. "Tai... there never was an 'us'."

With that, she left out the door, leaving the three of us behind.

Tai stood in front of the door and didn't move for what seemed like a lifetime.

"I... I thought she cared about me," he said quietly.

"Don't say that. She does care. Raven is just a bit stressed is all," I replied.

"Don't lie to him, Summer," Qrow said.
"Raven doesn't care about any of us. She's always looked out only for herself."

I stared at him. "How can you say that? She seems to show some concern for me at times. And for the rest of you. Raven is just... complicated. You know she has her own way of looking at things."

"Yeah. And she's tearing our team apart!" Tai yelled.

"I agree with Tai on this. Raven has caused nothing but trouble for us... Look at what happened in class!"

My eyes widened in disbelief. I could've believed what I was hearing. My teammates were blaming Raven for everything...

"Qrow... how could you say that about your own sister?"

Qrow glared at me. "It's the truth. And you know it."

Tears burned in my eyes. "What is happening to us? I thought we were supposed to be a team!"

"Yeah... it doesn't look like that's happening anymore. Thanks to Raven," Tai said.

I grabbed him by his collar and shoved him into the door. "Stop blaming her for everything dammit! It's not entirely her fault!"

Tai shoved me roughly. "Get off!"

I stumbled a bit and fell.

"Hey, don't touch her like that!" Qrow snapped.

Before I could stop him, Qrow threw a punch at Tai. He easily dodged it and countered, hitting Qrow in the chest. He went flying to the other side of the room and hit the wall.

"You two are just as crazy as Raven!" Tai yelled, quickly leaving out the door.

I ran to Qrow to check on him.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He slowly sat up. "Yeah... it doesn't hurt bad."

I started to sob. "I'm... I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening to our team."

Qrow wrapped his arms around me. "Don't be sorry. None of this is your fault. You're doing your best."

"Apparently my best isn't good enough. I don't want the team to end like this."

"I wish things weren't like this either. Tensions are high right now. Maybe when we all calm down, things will go back to normal,"
Qrow said, stroking my hair to comfort me.

I leaned onto him. "I hope you're right."

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now