Chapter 30

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I continued to train with Ozpin for the past several weeks. I would often leave my dorm at night to do additional training against the Grimm. Qrow pestered me to let him join, but I declined. After the first week of doing so, he eventually quit asking. He became really quiet around me after that. After a particularly long training session with Ozpin, I made my way through the door of the dorm and flopped down on Qrow's bed.

"Hey," I said, smiling and greeting him.

He remained silent. Avoiding my gaze. I tried to take his hand, but he quickly jerked it away.

"Are... you okay?" I asked.

He turned and glared at me.
"Yeah, Summer. I'm just great," he snapped.

I sat up. "Did I do something?"

He got up and started pacing. After a few moments of silence, he looked towards me.

"Summer... I'm going to ask you something and I want you to answer honestly."

I nodded. "Okay. What is it?"

He took a deep breath. "Summer... are you cheating on me?"

I stared at him wide-eyed, completely shocked. "What?! No! I would never do that to you!"

He glared at me again. "Oh really? Then why are you always leaving the dorm at night?!"

I glared back. "I told you. I'm training."

"If that's true, then why won't you let me come watch you? The only thing I can think of is that you're seeing someone else."

I sighed. "There's hardly any students here, Qrow."

"There's a few," he snapped. "Answer my question, Summer."

"I'm afraid that you'll distract me," I admitted.

He looked especially upset now.
"So that's how you see me? As a distraction?"

"I didn't mean it like that!" I insisted.

Qrow turned away from me.
"Whatever Summer. It's nice to know that your feelings are mutual..."

I reached out to put my hand on his shoulder, but he walked forward to the door, letting my hand fall limply to my side.

"Qrow... please. Can't we talk about this?" I begged.

He shook his head. "I... I think I just need some time alone."

My eyes started to tear up. "But—"

"Just leave me alone," he snapped, walking out of the door and slamming it shut behind him.

After a few minutes of staring at the door, I sat on Qrow's bed. I never intended to come off as unfaithful to him. I thought he wouldn't mind me going out by myself, but I guess I was wrong...

I blinked. A few teardrops landed on the red comforter. Pretty soon the tears started flowing to the point where I couldn't stop them. I broke down and buried my face in the pillow. As I sobbed, the smell of Qrow's scent filled my nose, making me cry harder. After a while, I felt extremely exhausted. My eyes closed and I was asleep in seconds.

I awoke sometime later. Qrow was still gone. I sighed and brought out my scroll from my pocket. It was evening. I found Qrow's number and decided to call him. I waited through several rings.

"Come on... please pick up," I begged.

To my disappointment, I was met with the familiar beep noise that came after a missed call. I threw my scroll on the bed in frustration and started to sulk. I couldn't invite him to my night training if he didn't answer. After a few minutes, I picked up my scroll again. Instead of calling, I decided to leave a text message.

Hi Qrow. I'm really sorry that I came across as unfaithful. That wasn't my intention at all. I wanted to invite you to my night training. I will prove to you that my heart is yours. I'll be waiting outside of Beacon if you want to join me.

I sent the text and waiting impatiently for several minutes. After what seemed like a lifetime, I got a reply back.

Okay. I'll meet you there.

I smiled and sighed in relief. I grabbed my sword and made my way outside. The evening air wasn't too hot or too cold. It felt nice on my skin. When I got outside the Beacon entrance I waited. After a little while, I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"I'm here."

I turned to see Qrow standing about a few feet away.

"I'm glad you agreed to meet me here," I said.

Qrow shrugged, clearly not convinced yet.
"Show me what you can do if you're not lying," he said.

I sighed. "Fine. Don't interfere though. Even if it looks like I'm in danger. Understood?"

He nodded. "Fine."

I heard the sounds of Beowolves growling. About three or four appeared from the shadows. I concentrated as my eyes shot out light. It engulfed the first Beowolf and it froze in place. After a moment, it turned into solid stone. I did the same with the other three. Soon, they were petrified, too. I took my sword and slashed at their stone bodies like they were made of butter. They disintegrated in seconds. I looked back to Qrow and saw his shocked expression.

"How... how did you do that?" he asked, completely dumbfounded.

I smiled at him. "I told you. I've been training."

Qrow looked like he was about to break down in tears.

"Summer... I'm so sorry I doubted you. And... for leaving like I did. I should've stayed and talked it over with you. I'm... so sorry!"

Tears were rolling down his cheeks now. I ran to over and embraced him.

"It's okay," I soothed. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry if I came across as unfaithful. I love you, Qrow. So very much. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I don't want anyone else."

Qrow embraced me back. "I love you too, Summer."

I touched his face gently and smiled at him. He responded by smiling back and leaning forward to kiss me. I wanted this moment to last forever. He broke away after about twenty seconds.

"We should get back inside before more Grimm show up," he said.

"Yeah. Okay," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now