Chapter 44

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The sun had gone down about an hour ago. Qrow and Raven still hadn't returned. I started to pace around the dorm, looking out the window every so often.

"Where are they?" I asked.

Tai looked just as worried as I was.
"I... I don't know. Do you think something happened to them?"

"I sure as hell hope not!" I replied, panicked.

A red portal appeared and Raven walked out of it. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank goodness you're back! I was starting to worry. Where's Qrow?"

"He's waiting for us. We finally found Laurel. But she's currently fighting someone. From the looks of it, she having having a rough time. I made a portal to you so we could go and help. If we leave now, we can get to Laurel before she gets seriously hurt. Or worse."

I nodded. "Let's get going then."

I followed Raven into the portal and exited into an unfamiliar place.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked, looking around.

"I'm not too sure. But Laurel should be somewhere around—"

Raven was cut off by someone screaming.
We followed the screamed until we found the source. A girl with honey colored hair and warm brown eyes was being pinned by another woman. Her purple hair hid most of her face.

"You're power... give it to me!" she snarled.

"No!" Laurel snapped. "The power chose me! Not YOU!"

I watched in amazement as Laurel kicked the purple haired girl away several feet. Laurel quickly got to her feet and drew out her weapon. A huge lance and looked like it had electricity flowing from the tip.

My team and I ran to Laurel's side.

"That was some kick you just did," Tai said to her.

Laurel looked shocked. "Who are you?!"

"Doesn't matter. What matters right now is keeping you safe and away from whoever is attacking you," I said.

The purple-haired girl stood to her feet. "My name is Aleya. And I will have those maiden powers. It's the Queen's orders after all."

I glared at her. "You won't be hurting anyone today. My team and I will make sure of it."

Aleya smiled. "We'll see about that... Summer Rose."

I charged at her and swung my sword. She easily dodged and slammed her foot into my side, making me cry out in pain.


Qrow ran to my side. Before he could say anything else, I saw his eyes turn completely black.

"Qrow... are you okay?" I asked.

He responded by drawing his blade. He then sent it flying towards my face. I quickly rolled away and managed to get to my feet.

"Qrow?! Why'd you try to attack me?" I yelled.

Qrow said nothing as he ran at me, attempting to strike me again. Raven jumped in front of him and blocked his blade with her own.

"Think about what you're doing!" she yelled. "You're trying to kill our leader!"

Qrow snarled at her. "DIE!"

Raven turned to me. "I'll handle this, you go help Tai. I think Aleya is doing something to my brother."

"What if he hurts you?" I asked, concerned.

Raven grinned. "Don't worry about that. I still have some tricks up my sleeve."

I nodded and ran to Laurel and Tai.

"What's gotten into Qrow? ...Did he just try to kill you?" Tai asked.

"Yeah... I think so. But I think he's being controlled by Aleya."

Laurel nodded. "Her semblance is mind control and manipulation. She basically can make others do whatever she wants. You might be able to stop her if you distract her."

"Got it. Tai, I want you to stay here and look after Laurel. I'll distract Aleya."

Tai nodded. "Let me know if you need help."

I charged at Aleya jumped into the air. I kicked her as hard as I could in her stomach and sent her stumbling onto the ground. I glanced over at Raven and Qrow. Qrow seemed to be his normal self again. I guess I was a little too distracted. As soon as I turned my attention back to Aleya, I saw her charging straight at me. Before I could move out of the way, I felt her push me onto the ground. Her hands pinned my wrists, stopping me from moving.

"Get off of her!" I heard Qrow scream. I watched as he grabbed her by her hair and then body slammed her into the ground. Her aura broke and she let out a piercing cry of agony.

Qrow helped me to my feet.
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I'm not hurt. Thanks for helping me."

Qrow smiled. "No problem, partner."

Raven walked over and gazed at Aleya.
"Should I finish her off?" she asked.

"No. We're not killers, Raven," I said.

"Let's take Laurel back to Beacon and tell Ozpin what happened."

Qrow and Tai nodded in agreement.

"I can guide us back," Laurel suggested. "I know a shortcut back to Beacon Academy."

I smiled at her. "That's very kind of you. We'll keep an eye out for any Grimm."

I took one last look at Aleya's unconscious body before following Laurel and my team back to Beacon. I had the feeling that this wasn't going to be the last time seeing her...

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