Chapter 22

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"Hm... should I wear something fancy?" I asked, looking through my clothes.

"Nah, you don't have to wear anything fancy to impress me," Qrow said, kissing my cheek.

"Qrow! You startled me!"

He chuckled. "Sorry about that. Should I call in a reservation for tonight?"

I kissed him. "Go ahead. I'll try to pick something cute to wear."

"I can't believe the semester is ending already. It feels like we just got here," Tai said.

"I know. What are your plans for the summer break?" Raven asked.

Tai was thoughtful for a moment.
"I might visit my folks back home. What about you?"

"I plan on going back to my tribe for a few months. They're my family after all," she said.

"I might just stay here," I said. "I don't really have a place to go anyway."

Raven looked sympathetic towards me. "That's sad. Don't you get lonely without any family?"

"Sometimes. I wouldn't say I don't have any family though. You three are family to me."

"Really? I never knew you felt that way about us, Summer," Tai said.

I blushed a little. "Well... I kept it to myself for a little while. I was afraid you guys might find it corny or embarrassing."

"I'll be honest... it kinda is," Raven said.

I glanced over at Raven. "I'm... sorry."

Raven responded with a smile. "That's not a bad thing, though. I feel the same way. And I bet Tai and Qrow do as well."

"Yeah. It's nice to know I have a home away from home," Tai replied.

"Alright. I made the four of us a reservation for six. Is that okay with everyone?" Qrow asked.

I nodded. "That's fine. It gives us some time to get ready."

"I know you girls love to take your time with that," Qrow replied.

I punched his arm. "I just want to be sure I look good for you."

Qrow smiled. "You always look good to me."

I blushed brightly. "R-really?"

Qrow pulled me closer and kissed my lips gently.
"Really," he replied.

"You two haven't even had dinner yet. At least get your own room before doing that," Raven said.

"We've made out in public once," Tai replied.

"Tai! They didn't need to know that!" Raven said, her face turning bright red.

"Now I want to hear all the juicy details," I said.

"It was really dark, so no one could really see us," Tai said.

"That's not really exciting," Qrow replied.

"Can we focus on getting ready? It's four
o'clock right now," Raven said.

"I still need to find something to wear," I mumbled.

"Why not just wear your black dress and hood? Qrow said you didn't have to dress all fancy and stuff," Tai replied.

I sighed. "I know, but I would like to. Maybe I'll wear my dress from the dance."

"That would work," Raven replied. "I might do the same."

It was around half past five when we finished getting ready. Qrow led us a few blocks past campus to a somewhat fancy restaurant.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now