Chapter 29

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The next day, I awoke to Qrow shaking me.
"Summer, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes. "What?"

"Ozpin wants you in his office. You start your training today."

I shot upward. "I forgot about that! When does he want me in his office?"

"Anytime is fine. I just figured you'd want to start sooner rather than later."

I got out of bed. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'll get ready."

I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. After about thirty minutes, I was ready. Qrow offered to walk me to the elevator, which I accepted. We stopped right in front of the elevator door and turned to face each other.

"Good luck training today. Let me know how it goes, okay?" he said, kissing me tenderly.

I blushed and smiled at him. "Thanks. I'll be back as soon as it's over."

He smiled in response. "I know."

He turned and walked away as I stepped into the elevator. I silently stepped out and walked slowly towards the huge office door. To my surprise, Ozpin was standing in front of it waiting for me.

"Hello, Miss Rose. Are you ready to get started?" he asked.

I nodded slowly, a bit nervous.
"Yes, Professor," I replied.

He smiled. "Wonderful. Why don't we head inside?"

I followed him inside quietly and looked around. I expected to see some small Grimm or something to train against, but I saw nothing.

"Um... Professor. Forgive me for asking but... what exactly am I going to train with? I don't see any Grimm here," I said.

Ozpin smiled and chuckled. "Why you'll be training against me of course. And there's no need to be afraid of hurting me. I'm immune to the powers of the silver eyes, as are other humans, so you'll have nothing to worry about."

I nodded slowly, still feeling uneasy.
"I would like to try something... if you don't mind," I said.

Ozpin nodded. "If it's for training purposes, I don't mind at all."

"Thank you."

I closed my eyes and started to concentrate. I let my mind wander off until my thoughts were completely silenced. I concentrated more and waited.

Nothing happened.

I bared my teeth in frustration. Why couldn't this process go faster?!

I was about to open my eyes and give up when a sudden thought crossed my mind. It was something Raven had said during our first training session together.

Being angry won't help you on the battlefield. Try to stay calm and focused if you can.

I took a few deep breaths and tried concentrating again. I noticed that my head was starting to hurt a little. After a few minutes of this intense concentration, the pain spread from my head to my entire body. It wasn't as painful as when I had first used my powers, but it was annoying. Maybe with enough training, the pain would subside.

Unable to take the pain any longer, my eyes opened. Everything was solid white for a brief moment. Then my vision returned to normal.
Ozpin was still standing in the same position in front of me. He looked pleasantly surprised.

"...Did it work?" I asked.

Ozpin nodded. "It most certainly did. Excellent work, Miss Rose. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much progress with your training today. But you exceeded my expectations. As you always do."

I smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, Professor."

"Would you like to continue training?"

I shook my head. "No thank you. My head and body hurt as it is. Do you mind if I head to my dorm to relax?"

Ozpin smiled. "Of course. You made significant progress today. I look forward to our next training session."

I nodded. "Likewise."

I returned to my dorm and found Qrow laying in his bed. I thought he was asleep for a moment, but he quickly perked up when he noticed me.

"Hey," he greeted. "How did training go?"

I smiled and kissed his lips gently.
"Really well. With a few more weeks of practicing, I think I can get this silver eyed stuff down."

Qrow smiled. "That's great. Did you pass out or anything?"

"To my surprised, I didn't. I did get a slight headache and body ache, but that's it."

"Oh. So you have it pretty much under control now?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I'm going to train a bit more. I'm just afraid that I'll get too emotional during a fight and my eyes will activate by accident."

Qrow hugged me. "I wouldn't worry about that. I'm sure you'll get your powers under control."

I embraced him back. "Thanks, Qrow."

"Anytime. I'm always here to support you."

I moved away from his embrace and started to walk to the door.

"I'm going out for a while," I said.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Just outside the academy. I'll be back later tonight."

"Can I come with you? You never know who or what might be out there."

I was quiet for a moment.
"Um... I actually want to go out on my own. It's nothing against you, I just need some time alone for a bit."

"Oh," he said quietly. I could hear the hurt in his voice. "Well... don't stay out too late, okay?"

I turned to smile at him. "I promise. I'll see you later."

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