Chapter 26

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Raven and I sparred for a few hours until it was evening. When we made it back to the dorm, Tai had already packed some of his things.

"Where were you two?" he asked.

"We were sparring one last time for the semester," I said.

"Oh okay. When are you planning to leave, Raven?"

"Tonight, actually."

"That soon? I thought you would stay at least for a few more days," I said.

"It's going to take more than a few days to get back to my tribe, you know. I wish I was able to stay for more than a few months..."

"You'll be able to stay as long as you want once you graduate," Qrow pointed out. "And there will more breaks where you can visit the tribe."

"Yeah. I guess so," she replied.

"Wait. What's going to happen between you and Tai?" I asked.

"Our relationship is going to have to be long distance for a little while. Which is going to be kinda hard for me, but I think I'll be fine," she explained.

"I don't think I could handle being away from Summer that long. And someone has to be here to protect her," Qrow said.

I blushed. I should've been used to him being protective of me, but it still seemed weird. It was still hard for me to believe that someone cared for me that much.

We spent the rest of the day together just lounging in our dorm. When evening came around, Raven got ready to leave.

"I'm going to miss you," Tai said, holding her close.

"I'll miss you too," she replied.

"Take care of yourself," I said.

She nodded. "I will. You don't need to worry about me."

"We'll see you when you get back," Qrow said.

Raven smiled. "Likewise."

She left the dorm then, leaving us alone.
We went to sleep a few hours later.
When I awoke the next morning, I found Qrow helping Tai pack the rest of his stuff.

"Morning, you two. Leaving so soon, Tai?" I asked.

"Yep. I told my folks I'd be back in Patch in a few days," he said.

"Patch is a nice place. That's where I lived before I moved into the dorm here," I replied.

"Yeah. It's a good place to raise a family if you're into that kind of thing."

Tai zipped up his bag and started to head towards the door.

I was reaching my hand to catch him when I suddenly felt my scroll vibrate a few times. I lowered my hand and brought out my scroll from my pocket. Ozpin was calling me.
I shakily held my scroll to my ear and answered.

"Hello?" I asked, trying my best not to sound nervous.

I heard Ozpin's voice from the other end.
"Hello, Miss Rose. I apologize for contacting you so abruptly. I was hoping we could meet in my office so we could talk about your upcoming training."

"Oh. Of course. When did you want to meet?" I asked.

"Sometime this afternoon if you don't mind," he replied.

"Okay. I'll see you then. Goodbye, Professor."
I hung up and put my scroll back into my pocket.

"Who was that?" Tai asked.

"It was Professor Ozpin. We wants to meet with me later today to go over my training," I replied.

"Good luck with your training. I should get going. I'll keep in touch," Tai said, walking out the door.

Qrow turned to me. "Well, I guess it's going to be just us two for a while."

I kissed him. "That's fine with me."

Qrow and I decided to walk around campus a bit before my meeting with Ozpin.

"Are you nervous about the training?" he asked, taking my hand gently.

I nodded. "A little. I don't really know what to expect."

Qrow smiled and kissed me.
"Don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll get this training down in no time."

I smiled back. "Thanks, Qrow."

As we walked around more, I started to notice posters pinned to multiple places around the campus. Curious, I walked up to one to examine it. It had the symbol of Vale on it.

"This is a Vytal Festival poster," I said.

"Looks like it," Qrow said.
"According to the date on the poster, it won't start until late second semester. That should give us more than enough time to train."

I took a quick glance at my scroll. It was half past three.

"I should go meet with Professor Ozpin now."

"I'll walk you there," Qrow offered.

I smiled. "Okay."

The dormitory was quiet when we walked in. There was hardly any students in the dorms. I saw one or two, but for the most part, it was empty. I didn't mind the quiet, though. Qrow and I stopped at the elevator and looked at one another for a moment.

"Well, wish me luck," I said.

Qrow smiked his usual warm smile and kissing me tenderly. The kiss was longer than the previous one to my delight. When our lips finally parted, I smiled and blushed.

"Good luck. I'll be waiting for you when you return," he said, walking away.

I turned toward to the elevator and pressed the button to go up. Once the doors opened I stepped inside and waited. After a minute or two, I heard a ding sound as the doors opened. As I made my way through the hall to Ozpin's office, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I couldn't tell if it was the atmosphere of the dimly lit hallway, or the fact I was alone. I stopped at the door and examined it for a moment. There was a lot of symbols that I didn't seem to know. They looked similar to the ones I saw on his cane the first time I met him. There also seemed to be words in a unknown language carved across the door. It looked intimating and somewhat creepy.

"Weird," I muttered as I pressed the buzzer.

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