Chapter 4

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I awoke the next morning in the dorm room we had been assigned. So last night wasn't a dream...

"Morning, Summer."

I turned to see Tai holding a cardboard box with the symbol of Beacon on it.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Our uniforms. They came in this morning."

He sat the box down and opened it. Inside were four uniforms. Two had dress shirts and skirts while the other two had the same dress shirts with slacks.

"Ew, do we really have to wear these?" Raven asked, holding up a shirt and staring at it.

"It's school policy," I said, taking my own uniform out of the box. 

An idea suddenly popped in my head. I smiled a bit and turned to Tai. "...Do you think we could prank Qrow into wearing a skirt?"

Tai started to laugh. "That would be so hilarious!"

I took the girls' uniform and walked over to Qrow, who was still sleeping.
"Morning, Qrow!"

Qrow slowly opened his eyes and groaned. "It's morning?"

"Yep! Our uniforms came in today. Here you go," I said, holding out the girls' uniform to him, trying not to laugh.

Qrow sat up and took the uniform, inspecting it carefully.

"Summer... this looks like a skirt," he said.

"It's a kilt," Tai said, smiling wide.

Qrow shrugged and got up to go to the bathroom to change clothes. He came out a few minutes later wearing the girls' uniform I gave him.

Unable to contain myself, I fell over laughing. Tai started to laugh a few seconds later. Raven just rolled her eyes, but I could see a hint of a smile there.

"You two are so immature," she said.

"Come on... you have to admit that it's pretty funny," Tai said, laughing.

Qrow took a look at himself in the mirror.
"You know, I don't look half bad," he said, striking a few poses.

I giggled and took a few photos with my scroll.

"You have to wear that to the auditorium," I said.

"Okay. But you have to wear the boys' uniform."

After we had changed into our uniforms, we all met at the auditorium later that morning. As Qrow and I walked into the room, the students all turned to face us and immediately erupted into laughter.

Qrow posed a few times as he was talking to a few girls.
"Like what you see, ladies?" he asked.

"Nice legs, Qrow," one of the girls giggled.

"Ladies and gentlemen... if I may have your attention please."

The laughter slowly stopped as everyone turned to face Professor Ozpin. His speech wasn't all that interesting, so I started to tune him out. After about an hour, I noticed that everyone was leaving. As my team and I started to leave, a voice stopped us.

"Miss Rose... why is your outfit switched with Qrow's?"

I turned to see Ozpin behind us. Although his eyes were stern, he had a hint of a smile on his lips. Something told me that he was amused by our little prank, too.

"It was just a little joke, sir. We didn't mean any harm by it," I said.

"I see... Well, once you've changed into your correct uniforms, I would like to meet with you all later this evening in my office."

"Of course," I said.

"Did we get in trouble?" Tai asked, as we walked back to the dorm.

"I don't think so," I replied. "He didn't seem too angry about the prank. Plus, he was smiling a bit, so I'm guessing he thought our prank was funny, too."

Tai chuckled. "I thought it was great!"

"I even got some attention from some of the ladies, so I'm not complaining," Qrow said.

I spent the rest of the day washing the uniforms, which were dry when evening came around. After Qrow and I changed into our correct clothing, the four of us went to the elevator and pressed the twentieth floor where Ozpin's office was located. I rang the buzzer hesitantly. The four of us waited silently until we heard Ozpin's voice from inside.

"Come in," he invited.

We walked inside slowly as Ozpin stood from his desk and greeted us.

"Thank you for meeting me this evening," he said.

"That prank was Summer and Tai's idea. I had nothing to do with it," Raven snapped.

"Now now, I didn't summon you four here to give you a punishment. Even if what you did was a bit... inappropriate."

"Summer and Tai should get expelled," Raven said.

Qrow glared at her. "Raven, it was just a prank. Calm down."

"As I was saying... the reason I asked you all to come here was because I wanted to... change your classes."

"Change them how?" Tai asked.

"Well, you all seem like capable students from what I've seen so far. And I think that your current curriculum isn't challenging enough for you, so I would like to enroll you all in advanced courses."

"It's about time. The classes so far have been crap," Raven said.

"Raven, they aren't all bad," I replied.

"Speak for yourself, child."

I glared at her. "I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Both of you stop. Do you really want to cause a scene in front of Ozpin?" Tai asked, stepping between Raven and I.

"I'm... sorry," I said.

"Whatever," Raven snapped.

"I'm fine with the harder classes," Qrow said.

"I am too. It'd be nice to have an extra challenge," I said.

"I guess I'll do it," Raven muttered.

Tai nodded in agreement.

"Very well. I will work on your new schedules tonight and have them sent to you in the morning. I'll be watching over you all throughout your time here. Good luck. You all are free to leave," Ozpin said.

We walked back to our dorm in silence.

"So... what classes do you think we'll be in?" Qrow asked me when we back back to our dorm.

"I'm not sure. Maybe combat related things?"

"Maybe. As long as there are cute girls in my classes, I don't care."

I punched his arm. "There's more to this school than women Qrow."

Qrow laughed. "Yeah I know. I can't help it sometimes. We should probably get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Likewise," I replied, laying down to sleep.

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