Chapter 15

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We made our way outside the city and towards the path we would take. I noticed that there weren't any Grimm around, which I found odd.

"I honestly thought we'd see more Grimm," I said, breaking the silence.

"Me too. Maybe they'll be more once we reach our destination," Raven said.

As we continued to walk closer, the atmosphere seemed to change. A chill ran through my body as I began to recognize the surroundings. They were the same as my vision.

"Everyone stay close. I think we're here," I said.

We stopped walking and stayed close to one another. A piercing shriek hurt my ears. The Nuckelavee appeared from the shadows. It was about twice as tall as Raven and the sounds of its hooves scraping the ground made me feel sick.

"Anyone have a plan of attack?" Tai asked.

Before anyone could answer, the Nuckelavee stretched out its arms and tried to grab Qrow. Raven pulled Qrow back and tried to slice the arm, but she missed and the clawed hand knocked her back several feet. She tumbled for a few seconds and used her katana to steady herself back to her feet.

"Raven! Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'll be fine. Can you try to distract that thing while I figure out how to destroy it?"

I nodded and ran towards it, I managed to slash at its armor, hoping to break it. I wasn't successful. My sword seemed to bounce straight off.

Tai threw a punch at it and dazed it for a few seconds. It didn't seem interested in the three of us for whatever reason. It was more interested in Qrow. Raven tried to attack from behind, but its hind legs kicked Raven back once she got close. She went flying into the nearby rock and went limp.

"Tai! Go check on Raven," I ordered.

He hesitated. "What about you and Qrow?"

"We'll be fine. Go!"

Tai did as ordered and ran to Raven. The Nuckelavee didn't seem to notice. It kept staring at Qrow. Its arm stretched towards him again. I tried to get Qrow out of the way, but I wasn't quick enough. The arm had Qrow by his neck and pinned. Qrow's weapon was laying below. Things were happening just like my vision had showed me. I became increasingly anxious. I couldn't let Qrow get killed like this. As the Nuckelavee's grip tightened, my eyes widened in horror.

"NO!" I screamed.

My head began to hurt as my vision went blurry. After a few seconds, everything turned white. Then blackness took over.


I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I thought I was dead for a moment before I heard familiar voices.

"...How do you think she did that?" I heard Tai ask.

"I'm still pissed I missed it. What did it look like?" Raven asked.

"She was screaming for one second, then her eyes... shot out light. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Tai exclaimed. "That's not all though. She froze that Nuckelavee, too! It seems to be petrified now. I took a picture if you want to see it."

"Guys," Qrow snapped. "This isn't time to be excited about a frozen Grimm. Summer is unconscious. She could've died!"

"Ozpin checked on her. He said she'll need a lot of rest, but she'll be okay," Tai reassured him.

Qrow sighed. "This is all my fault. Me and my damn bad luck..."

"Don't blame yourself like that, Qrow. Be thankful that we came out of that mission alive," Raven said.

"Whatever. Don't you two have classes?"

"We have permission from Ozpin to stay with Summer for a few days while she recovers. So no class for the time being."

I felt my eyes starting to open. The lights blinded me for a moment before I adjusted. My head was still pounding.

"Summer! You're awake! Are you feeling okay?" Qrow asked.

"I kind of hurt... all over," I said.

"I'm not surprised after what you did," Raven replied.

"What did I do exactly?"

Tai brought out his scroll and showed me an image. It was the Nuckelavee we had fought, but it looked as if it was made of stone.

"Did I... do that?" I asked, astonished.

"Yep! It was so cool! Your eyes seemed to shoot out light! I've never seen anything like it!" Tai exclaimed. "You're amazing Summer!"

I looked over to Raven. "Are you doing okay?"

She nodded and smiled. "I'm fine. I've had a few days to recover."

"A few days? How long was I unconscious for?" I asked.

"About five days. We were starting to worry," Qrow said.

"Sorry to interrupt. But I just got a message from Ozpin. He wants to meet with us privately in his office once Summer has recovered," Tai explained.

"Of course he does," Raven mumbled.

I slowly sat up and tried to get out of bed. I would've fallen if Qrow hadn't caught me.

"Summer... what are you doing?" he asked.

"We have to see Ozpin," I said, trying to walk to the door.

"Not until you've recovered."
Qrow guided me back to my bed and covered me with a blanket.

"At least rest for a few days. If you're feeling better, then we can see Ozpin."

My head hurt too much to argue.
"Fine. Make sure you all get some rest too. This was a tough mission."

"Don't worry, I definitely will," Tai said, laying on his bed.

I sighed and closed my eyes. What could I have done to freeze a Grimm like that?

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now