Chapter 36

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I walked closely to Qrow as he led me outside of campus and to a small cafe. I had seen it around before, but I had never been inside.
Qrow walked up to the door and held it open for me.

"Ladies first," he said.

I smiled and walked inside. "You're such a gentleman."

Qrow kissed my cheek gently. "I try."

We took a seat near the back and placed our orders. I got a Caesar salad with some tea and Qrow got a sandwich with coffee.

"So... have you had any visions lately?" he asked.

I looked up at him. "No... not in a while. I guess there hasn't been any danger. ...Yet."

"That's true. Come to think of it, things have been pretty quiet lately. I'm not sure that's a good thing."

I nodded. "Yeah. I bet our enemy is planing on doing something big. I just wish I knew what it was..."

Qrow reached over and took my hand gently.
"I do too. But whatever it is, I'm certain we can handle it. Especially if you're leading us."

I blushed slightly. "Thanks... I do my best to lead the team. Even though it's not very good..."

Qrow smiled at me reassuringly.
"I think you're doing a great job. I'm sure Tai and Raven would say the same."

I smiled a little. "Thank you. You always know how to cheer me up."

I leaned over the table and kissed his lips deeply.

Our food and drinks arrived a few minutes later. It looked delicious.

"Thanks for taking me here. It's really nice."

"My pleasure. I thought you would enjoy a quiet place to eat. I've noticed that loud noises tend to bother you," Qrow replied.

I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry about that..."

Qrow looked at me. "Summer... never apologize for being who you are. I wouldn't ever change you for anything. I love you."

I felt my eyes start to tear up.
"I... I love you too. Very much."

After we had finished eating, Qrow and I walked around campus for a bit. It was really pretty. Especially during the evening when the sun started to set.

"This place looks really beautiful. I've never noticed before," Qrow said.

I squeezed his hand gently. "It is magnificent, isn't it? I bet you're used to this type of thing, though. Being apart of that tribe, you must've spent a large part of your day outdoors."

Qrow chucked a bit. "Yeah, I guess so. Do you like to watch sunsets?"

I smiled a little. "I do. But before I came here, I worked a lot, so I never really had any time outdoors."

Qrow looked sympathetic towards me. "That's too bad. I'm sorry you had to work so hard to make ends meet..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm in a much better place than I was. Plus I have you. And I think that's pretty amazing."

Qrow kissed my head. "I think it's pretty amazing too. I never expected a guy like me to be with someone as stunning as you."

I blushed brightly. "Come on, I'm not that stunning."

Qrow leaned down and kissed me passionately.

"I beg to differ," he said, smiling at me.

We ended up walking about and talking until the moon had risen.

"I didn't know how late it was getting. We should be heading back," Qrow said.

I gasped as I realized that I'd forgotten all about Qrow's surprise.

"Summer? Are you okay?" Qrow asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay. There's one more thing I'd like to do first before we call it a night, though. Is that okay?"

"Of course. We can do whatever you want," he replied.

"Perfect. Come with me," I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the dorm building. I stopped dragging him once we arrived at our dorm.

"I have a surprise for you," I said.

Qrow's stared at me. "What kind of surprise?"

"You'll like it. I promise," I replied, opening the door.

Inside was all candlelit. The table and chairs were moved out of the way and there was a small speaker hooked up on one of the bookshelves.

Qrow looked around in awe of the room.
"Summer... this is incredible! Did you do all this?"

I walked over to the stereo, selected some slow piano music and pressed play.

"It was my idea. Raven and Tai were the ones who decorated. We never got the chance to properly dance that night Tyrian attacked. I wanted to make it up to you."

"Wow," Qrow whispered. "I'm really going to owe Raven and Tai after this."

I smiled and held out my hand.
"Qrow Branwen... may I have this dance?"

Qrow grinned and took my hand.
"It would be an honor, Miss Rose."

He shut the door behind him and led me to the center of the room. I placed and hand on his shoulder as he placed his hand on my waist. I didn't say anything as we both swayed to the music slowly. Even if I did want to, I couldn't. His deep crimson eyes seemed to take away any speech I had. I don't think I could've found the words to describe what I was feeling anyway. We danced together like that for ages. Until my head started to lean against Qrow's chest. I was exhausted, but I didn't want this night to end.

"Looks like someone's getting tired," Qrow said.

I lifted my head up slowly. "No... I can go another hour... maybe."

Qrow laughed and kissed my forehead. "We should be getting to bed. We have class tomorrow."

Qrow gently picked me up and laid me down in his bed. He then walked over to the stereo and turned off the music. He gently laid beside me and I snuggled up against him, my head resting on his chest.

"Thank you, Summer. You truly made this night special," he whispered.

I smiled. "It would've been special even without the dance. Any night with you is special to me."

Qrow kissed my head. "Have a good rest. I love you, Summer."

"I love you too," I whispered.

As I drifted off to sleep, several emotions ran through me. I couldn't pin down what I was feeling. All I knew is that I loved Qrow deeply. And it was the most wonderful feeling knowing that he loved me back.

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