Chapter 7

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When I opened my eyes, I saw myself surrounded by an abandoned town. I wasn't sure how long it had been abandoned, but there were long vines of ivy growing along the buildings as well as moss.

This has to be a dream, I thought. I've never seen this place before.

I saw Raven standing several feet away from me, examining the area around her. Before I could call out to her, a large Ursa leapt out from the shadows and lunged strait towards Raven's throat. I heard a piercing shriek of agony.

"No!" I cried out.

I screamed and I sat up in my bed. I was breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

"Summer... are you okay?"

I turned and saw Tai and Qrow looking at me with worried looks in their eyes.

"We heard you scream. Did you have a nightmare?" Qrow asked.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. "Yeah... I'm sure it's nothing. I'm going to try and forget about it. Did Raven already go to class?"

Tai nodded. "Her class started a little while ago. Qrow and I have class in a few minutes."

"You two better get going then."

After Qrow and Tai left, I took out my schedule and glanced at it. My next class would start in a few hours and I had it with Raven. I sighed and managed to get ready before Raven came back into to the dorm room.

"Hi Raven, how was class?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as I could.

Raven threw her books on her bed. "Fine, I guess."

"Well, we have a class together in an hour. I thought maybe we could—"

"I don't need to be reminded Summer," she snapped at me. "Now leave me alone while I study."

I sighed in defeat and left her alone.
I did my best to keep myself busy until class, but I didn't have a lot to do. I made my bed and studied until I felt Raven tap on my shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it's almost time for class." 

I silently got up and followed her to our next class. It was a Grimm biology class. What a coincidence considering the dream I had earlier...

I took a seat next to Raven and took out my supplies for notes. I turned my head to glance at Raven. Before I could look away she noticed that I was looking at her.

"What?" she snapped.


I focused on taking notes as Professor Peach lectured. I was caught off guard when I heard my name.


I looked up, a bit startled. "Yes, professor?"

"Could you tell me what type of Grimm this is?" she asked, pointing to a Grimm on the board.

The Grimm in question was sphere shaped and had long appendages that looked like tentacles.

"That's... a Seer. They have the ability to float and they are used as a method of communication for certain individuals," I said.

The professor nodded. "That is correct. Well done."

"Show off," Raven hissed under her breath.

The rest of my classes came and went without any issues and before I knew it, the day of our mission arrived.

"All we all set?" Tai asked, slinging the backpack of supplies over his

"I think so," I said. "I am a little nervous. This is going to be our first mission."

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now