Chapter 10

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I awoke sometime during the morning. Tai and Raven were gone. Probably off to their class.

I glanced over and saw Qrow looking at his scroll. I yawned and got up out of bed to greet him.

"Morning, Qrow. What are you looking at?" I asked.

Qrow looked away from the screen and up at me. "Morning. I was watching the news. They haven't caught the robbers yet."

"Maybe we could catch them if we went on a bounty mission," I suggested.

Qrow sat up and stared at me. "Summer... Grimm and criminals are two completely different things. I figured you would wait until at least our second year to do something like that."

"I... guess you have a point. Maybe we could do another search and destroy then."

The rest of the morning went by smoothly. Raven and Tai got back around noon.

"I'm never taking a morning class again," Tai said, laying face first on his bed.

"You fell asleep for most of the class, Tai. You ought to be filled with energy by now," Raven replied.

"Shut up..."

Raven ignored him and turned to me. "Have you decided on what our next mission is going to be?"

"I wanted to do a bounty mission, but Qrow wasn't comfortable with it, so we're going to do another search and destroy mission instead."

"Boring," Tai said. "I want to catch some criminals."

"We aren't experienced with capturing people yet though. Let's just stick with Grimm for now."

Tai sighed. "Fine. I just hope it's more of a challenge this time."

We went to the main area of the school where the missions board was set up. Various missions were displayed with the minimum number of weeks they were expected to last.

"What about this one?" Raven asked, pointing to a mission that was near the top of the board.
The mission's details explained that there were some powerful Grimm that invaded the outside of the kingdom.

"That sounds like it could be interesting," I said, reaching up to type in our team name.

I tried my best to reach the top of the board, but my fingers were just out of reach.
"Why couldn't they make these boards a bit shorter?"

Raven laughed and stepped forward to type in my place.

"There. The mission should start in a few weeks," she said.

"If anything changes, Ozpin will let us know," I added.

When we got back to our dorm, I started to feel strangely tired. I took a look at my schedule and saw that my next class wasn't until a few hours.

"Hey Qrow, when does your next class start?" I asked.

"I don't think it starts until a few hours. Why?"

"I'm feeling really tired and was thinking about taking a nap. Can you wake me up in a few hours?"

"Sure. Get all the rest you need," he replied.

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

I climbed into my bed and was asleep in a few seconds.

"...Did you know that crows are a sign of bad luck, Summer?"

I looked up and saw that Qrow was sitting across from me. I looked around a little and saw I was in the dorm room. Tai and Raven weren't anywhere to be seen.

"Oh... really?" I asked.

Qrow nodded, not meeting my eyes. "It's an old superstition, but it's how I got my name. Raven told you about her semblance. I haven't told you about mine."

I was quiet for a moment. "What is it?"

"I bring misfortune to those around me whether I want to or not. It's not something I can shut off either. It's always there. It comes in handy when I'm fighting an opponent, but it makes it hard to be around family and friends. I guess... you could call me a bad luck charm," he said chuckling.

I blinked and gasped. Qrow wasn't sitting across from me now. I was laying on my bed. I grabbed my scroll and checked the time. I was only asleep for about fifteen minutes.

"That's... weird," I whispered.

"What's weird?"

I jumped and saw Tai across the room. Raven was across from him, helping him look over his notes.

"Nothing," I said quietly.

"That was quite a short nap. Did you have another nightmare?" Qrow asked.

"I'm not sure exactly. I wouldn't call it a nightmare. Just a weird dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe later. I'm going to study for a bit."

"Tai and I are going to get something to eat at the cafeteria. Do you want to come with us?" Raven asked.

"No thank you. I'm... not hungry right now," I said.

"Suit yourself. Come on, Tai."

Tai got up and followed Raven out of the room, leaving Qrow and I alone. An awkward silence fell between us as Qrow pulled up a chair and sat across from me. ...Just like my dream from before.

"Now that we finally have some time alone... I thought I would share something with you. Something about me," Qrow said.

I knew exactly where this was going, but I decided to keep quiet.

"Okay," I said.

Qrow's eyes looked away from mine as he spoke again.
"Did you know that crows are a sign of bad luck?"

I nodded. "I do actually. It's an old superstition."

"That's right. It's how I got my name in fact. I bring misfortune to everyone around me wether I want to or not. My semblance is—"

"It's misfortune," I said, interrupting him.

Qrow looked up at me. "How did you know?"

I stood up shakily, feeling that same dizzy feeling when I was on our first mission. Qrow got up quickly and rushed to my side. I gripped my bed frame to keep myself from falling.

"I'm okay," I reassured him.

He still had a worried look on his face. "Summer... are you okay?"

I was quiet for a moment, not sure how to answer.

"I... I don't know. I feel like if I say this I'll sound insane to you."

Qrow put his hand on my shoulder.

"You and I are teammates and partners. If something is bothering you, you can always tell me and the rest of the team. We'll do our best to help."

"I... think I'm having visions of the future," I said. "I knew your semblance was misfortune because I had a dream about you telling me about it."

"When was this?" Qrow asked.

"When I took that short nap. I don't know why I'm having these visions though. Foresight isn't my semblance..."

Qrow looked thoughtful. "When you saved Raven on that mission, did you have a vision of that too?"

"Yeah. I'm glad my battle reflexes kicked in. I would hate to see Raven get hurt."

"Are you going to tell Raven and Tai about this? They're our teammates and I think they should know."

I was quiet for a moment. "Yeah... I think I will after they get back. I hope that they believe me."

Qrow smiled. "You've never given them a reason not to believe you before. How about we study together before they get back? I could use some tips in my classes."

I laughed. "Of course. Let's get to work."

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