Chapter 38

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We walked inside the arena and were met the the opposing team.

Qrow leaned in close to my ear.
"In case you're wondering... that's team WHTE (white). I hear they're from Vacuo."

"Really? I wonder what Vacuo is like?"

Qrow shook his head. "They're... interesting that's for sure. They're all about fighting and competition."

I grinned. "Good. It'll be nice to have some actual competition for once."

Qrow chuckled. "Tell me about it."

"Hey, you're Summer right?"

I looked away from Qrow and toward the person who was speaking to me. His brown hair was messy and he had dark brown eyes. He wore a white training outfit and he looked just about as buff as Tai was.

I nodded. "Yeah. That's me. Are you apart of team WHTE?"

He grinned. "Yep, I'm William. I just wanted to say hello and wish you luck during the fight. You'll need it."

I laughed a little. "We'll see about that."

We all headed into the arena and stood at the opposing sides. The terrain on our side was mostly ice. The other side was a lava and volcano themed. I wasn't really paying any attention to the announcer who was going over the teams. My eyes were focused on the girl who was looking towards Qrow. She had blonde hair went down past her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She was smiling at Qrow, who was blushing in response. I shot a glare at her and looked towards the other team members. One was a young man with electric blue hair. The other was a a girl who was just as small as I was. Her long black hair covered her face as she looked down toward the floor. She seemed to be really uneasy.

"Let the match begin," I heard the announcer say.

Tai immediately charged towards William and they started to have a full on fist fight. Raven was focusing on the small girl and the blue-haired boy. As I was about to help her, I saw the blonde-haired girl walk up to Qrow and place her hand on his arm. She smiled as she spoke to him. A really flirtatious smile. Qrow seemed to have lost all concentration and was having a full blown conversation with her.
What in the world was he doing?!

"Oh dear," I heard the announcer say over the speaker, "it appears that Heather Shields has activated her semblance! It allows her to allure anyone she chooses. And it looks like she's taken a fancy to Qrow Branwen! How will Team STRQ handle this particular situation?"

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to get Heather's attention.

She looked over to me. "Yeah?"

"What do you think your doing?! Your supposed to be fighting!"

"Um, I'm having a nice chat with your teammate here. So Qrow... do you work out? You seem to have great arm strength," she said, squeezing his arm.

My heard was starting to hurt.
"Stop that!" I snapped.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything. Right, Qrow?"

Qrow's composer was completely lost. "I... um..."

I watched as her hand went from holding Qrow's arm to his chest. She leaned forward a bit... like she was about to kiss him.

Something in me snapped right then.
"STOP!" I screamed.

My head started to pound and hurt like crazy and my vision turned completely white. Next thing I knew, I had fallen to my knees, my entire body shaking. It took me a moment to comprehend what just happened.

"No," I whispered.

"How... how did she do that?" I heard William ask.

"It appears that this match has been ordered to be ended. Team WHTE has officially won the match and will be moving forward to the doubles round," I heard the announcer say.

"Dammit! You've got to me kidding me!" Raven yelled.

I felt a pair of arms pull me to my feet. It was Tai.

"Are you okay?" Tai asked.

I was still shaking a bit. "Y-yeah... I'm so sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Let's head back to our dorm, okay?"

"Summer... I'm sorry about what happened. I should've been focusing on the fight. Not just Heather..."

"We can talk about it later."


"Let's just go, okay?" I snapped. "Gods, this is so embarrassing..."

I had to have help from Qrow since I couldn't walk strait. Raven was really angry about our loss. She made her feelings known on our way back.

"I can't believe you humiliated the entire team like that!" she yelled. "Now we're disqualified. Thanks a lot, Summer!"

"Raven... stop it. What happened has happened. And it's not all Summer's fault," Tai replied.

"Yeah. It's Heather's fault for distracting me like she did. And... I guess it's my fault too because I allowed that to happen," Qrow said.

I didn't say anything as Qrow and Tai helped me to my bed. I laid down and closed my eyes. My eyes opened again to the sound of my scroll ringing. I reached out for it and checked the caller ID. Ozpin.

I quickly answered it. "Ozpin... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to—"

"Not now, Summer," I heard him snap at me from the other line.
"I thought I told you not to use your powers!"


"I want you and your team to come to my office. Now. We need to have a discussion. Don't keep me waiting."

He hung up without even waiting for my reply. He sounded angry, which he had every right to be. I disobeyed his orders...

"Who was that?" Tai asked.

"Ozpin. He wants to meet with us in his office."

"Okay. When?"

"Right now. He seems really mad..."

"I'm sure he'll go easy on us. He has taken a liking to our team after all," Qrow said.

"I'm not so sure. He said not to keep him waiting. He sounded really angry when he said it."

"Do you think you can walk?"

I slowly stood to my feet. I was still a bit shaky, but my legs seemed to be sturdy enough.

"I think so. I'll lead the way."

I walked outside the dorm with my teammates following close behind me.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now