Given Up Twin Dean x Reader

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Dean had found some interesting news about his family but not only that he had found out he was a twin, he had a twin sister named (y/n) and appearntly his mother had given her up for adoption.

Dean felt betrayed. He always felt like he was missing a piece of him and to find out he had a sister much less a twin sister at that, it pained his heart to take in all this new information.

He and Sammy wouldn't be alone anymore, his father was dead and his mother had betrayed him for having now working with those British Men Of Letters fuckers.

He wondered, dean wondered if you were adopted by hunters. Did you have a apple pie life, something he and Sam never had. Could you maybe have a family, or were you a hunter just like him and his brother?

He didn't know, he was confused, he was excited, nervous, scared.

So many emotions, to many emotions to handle right now. Heading to the kitchen he grabs himself a beer and relax in the chair at the table, he needs to relax. He needs to get drunk.


Sammy had no idea where he was going, all he knew is that Dean told him to pack a bag of clothing for a week and that was it.

Now he sat with his brother in the passenger seat of the impala with his computer in his lap, open looking for a case. "Dean-" Sam says gaining a hum in reply, "Will you tell me what's this all about?" he asks.

"I have a sister. Well a twin, Sammy. We have a sister, another family member. Someone who we had no idea about." Dean says, "Honestly this is Adam all over again." he adds.

"Is she a hunter?" Sam asks honestly surprised by the news of this, his older brother had a twin he had a older sister someone who he's never met before, "Does she even know about us?" sam questions.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't know if she's a hunter or if she even knows about us all I know is that mom hid her from us, gave her up when she was born." Dean says with a clenched jaw.

"How did you ever find this out?" asked Sam.

"Files Sammy, I saw the god damn files." Dean replies.


Pulling up in a small town not to far from Kansas Dean felt nervous, even more then before. Sam felt excited yet nervous as well, what if she thought of them as crazy or what if she had a apple pie life?

They couldn't ruin that for her, they wouldn't ruin her life by dragging her into this life. But just by her being a Winchester brought her into this life.

"This is it?" Sam says, he had managed to find the home address of (Y/n), "You scared?" sam asks. "Yeah. Nervous as hell, but I want to do this. I need to do this Sammy." Dean says looking into Sam's eyes with pained green ones.

"I understand. C'mon, let's get going." Sam grabs him laptop and bag placing it inside and zipping back up, the inpala was parked outside of a house, a house they've always dreamed of living in if they had a normal life.

White picketed fence, a large front large which meant that she had a fairly large backyard as well, toys scattered the yard, bikes, some bigger then others while some were smaller.

Two boys that looked to be around 10 played catch on the front yard, on the porch sat three small girls, ages 5 through 6 coloring in a coloring book, a baby in a older males lap.

He looked younger then them, around his 20s and he made silly faces to the child in his lap. The smell of cooked steak, hotdogs and burgers could be smelt from the back.

"They're having a party Sammy, maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe we should just leave while we're ahead of ourselves." says dean who looked like he was panicking.

"Hey!" calls out a voice behind the two this caused the two brothers to jump and almost reach for their guns, but they calmed down upon seeing the male from earlier who was holding the baby in his arms standing before them.

"Are you men lost? Do you need some help?" he asked.

"Actually we were looking for someone. You see me and my brother here just found out we have a sister and we were hoping to meet her." Sam says.

"Well what's her name?" the male questions, "(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." Sam replies. "Hey! That's actually my mom." the man says with a smile, "I guess that makes you two my uncles." he says.

"Yeah I guess so." Sam says smiling slowly, Dean was still frozen in place, this was his nephew he had a family, his sister, his twin had a family.

"I'm Charles by the way, those little hyper bugs on the lawn are my children." Charles says letting Sam and Dean in through the fence closing it right behind them once they entered.

"The two boys playing catch are my sons, Harry and Ivan, Harry's the one with blue eyes and Ivan's the one with (e/c) ones." Charles explains, "This spit up bug in my arms here is my niece Ivy, she's my second sisters daughter." Charles says.

The two brothers watch how Charles talks about his family, "The three girls are actually my first sisters daughters. The one with green eyes is Emile, the one with dark brown eyes is Cassie and the last one with light green eyes is Sophie." Charles says.

The boys follow Charles up to the front porch "Dad!" Charles out through the open front door soon a man comes into view, he's bald and had a tattooed head, he's shirtless and bares his toned body and tattooed chest and arms on display.

"This is my father Ragnar." Charles smiled, "Who's these fellows son?" Ragnar questions with a raised brow, "These are actually moms brothers, this one here is her twin." Charles says with a giant grin on his face.

"Brother ay', well then bring it in boys!" Ragnar laughs pulling both dean and Sam into hugs. "Ragnar Lothbrok (L/n). And you two are?" Ragnar asks, "Dean Winchester sir." Dean says with a firm voice, for some reason Ragnar reminded him of his father, he felt the need to please him.

"Sam Winchester." Sam introduces, "Well come along boys let's go meet the lady of the the hour." Ragnar chuckles leading the boys through the house along the way Ragnar explained that they were having a baby shower for their newly gifted children.

"So she's pregnant again?" Sam asks as he looks at some of the photos that hung up along the walls, "Yeah. She's always wanted a big family, she was the only child in her family but I guess she's not anymore." Ragnar says with a smile.

"This is, wow." Dean says lowly as they step out onto the pantry outside. The backyard was huge, they stood corrected it was just as large as the front, outside was decorated with pink streamers and chairs, on a table sat a pink and white cake.

Children ran around, men drunk beer by the grill, women dined at the places tables around the yard eating burgers and hot dogs some with steak, laughters from everyone filled the air, it was peaceful.

But Sam and Dean felt a little out of place. Standing awkwardly on the pantry Ragnar lead them over to the lady's table, "Wify!" Ragnar calls out to his pregnant wife.

(E/c) eyes glances up at her husbands mischievous self, she stands from her seat the yellow sundress hung loosely to her pregnant figure but firmly enough to let others see her pregnant curves, the yellow did wonders with her skin tone.

"Husband." (Y/n) laughs with a small grin, "What is it?" she questions, "Oh boy do I have a surprise for you wify." Ragnar grins.

He grabs the hand of his wife and leads her half way to the boys who stood in the middle of the backyard bags still in hand, "Who's this Ragnar?" (Y/n) asks.

"These my dear are Sam and Dean Winchester. Your brother and your twin." Ragnar says with a smile. It was silent between the four for a while and the boys feared that she was rejecting them thats until she leaped forward pulling them both close to her body, her belly in between them as she hugs them.

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