Puppy Stiles x Reader

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Stiles smiled at his girlfriend (y/n) from across the hallways.

Scott stood beside him giving stiles a confused look, sure stiles always stared at her but today he had been doing it a lot, and I mean a lot.

"What's got you so happy?", askes Scott.

"(Y/n)'s birthdays today.", says Stiles.

"She looks so beautiful today.", signs stiles with a dreamy look.

"So, what you getting her today?", askes Scott.

Stiles head snapped towards Scott, "It's something she's always wanted.", smiles Stiles.

"And what is that?", Scott askes.

"A puppy!", shouted stiles gaining everyone who stood in the hallways attention.

(Y/n) and Lydia who was talking turned around and faced stiles who got flustered at the attention he was receiving from everyone.

"I meant I look like a puppy, sorry everyone me and Scott was just taking about what animals we looked like!", Stiles shouts out.

Scott hangs his head shaking it and grabs stiles by the arm before walking off, "Sorry again!", shouts stiles as he gets dragged away by Scott.

"Your boyfriends weird.", Lydia comments.

Through out school everyone who was close to (y/n) had wished her a happy birthday.

Presents were handed out to her, gift cards, jewelry, and even food, Malia, had given (y/n) something.

(Y/n) hadn't seen her boyfriend stiles since that incident that had happened in the hallway.

'Meet me outside the school once school is done.' Xoxo stiles

(Y/n) smiled at the note that was handed to her by a classmate, looking towards the front of the class she saw stiles looking back at her with a smile.

Stiles faced back around knowing she would see him soon and him her.

Class had ended and (y/n) was in the hallways with Lydia and Malia packing up her things and placing what she didn't need into her locker.

"So are you excited?", Lydia askes.

"Excited for what?", askes a confused (y/n) back.

"Stiles is giving you your present after school I heard.", comments Malia.

(Y/n) smiled with a slight blush on her face, "I'm sure whatever it is I'll love it, even if it wasn't anything I would love it.", says (y/n).

Leaving school with Lydia and Malia (y/n) was met with the sight of her boyfriend holding a adorable while fluffy puppy in his hands.

"I know it's not much, but I adopted a dog for you.", says stiles with a smile.

(Y/n) smiles more widely and quickly takes off towards stiles and the puppy, hugging them both.

"I love it.", she shouts before kissing stiles and the puppy's noses, "Just like I love you."

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