Imagine the boys ruining yours and patricks date

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It's not like the boys didn't trust Patrick with (y/n), their shared girlfriend.

It's just that she was innocent, to innocent for her own good.

And Patrick he was not so innocent.

So when they boys saw Patrick and (y/n) ditch class together they had gotten suspicious.

"Where do you think their at?", askes Vic as he sits in the middle of back seat.

"Not sure.", Belch says with a strug; "Do you know any places Patrick would take her?", belch askes.

Henry who was in deep thought looked up to Belch, "I know somewhere.", he says.

"Where to?", belch askes.

"Just drive Reggie.", Henry replies.

It wasn't long before the boys arrived at the kissing bridge, belch parked his car on the side of the bridge, and they walked all the way down to the river.

Down by the river Patrick sat beside (y/n), they both laid down on a blanket with a sandwich and two pop sodas beside them.

"This is nice.", says (y/n).

She was laying under Patrick's arm her head on his shoulder and her body cuddled up against his side.

"Yeah. It's alright I suppose.", replies Patrick.

Across the river on the other side stood Belch, Vic and Henry.

They hid behind a rather large tree that hid all of their forms.

"What are they doing? I can't see anything from here!", Henry hisses out.

"They're just laying down.", belch says squinching to get a better look.

"His hands on her ass.", belch adds.

"They they fucking or something?", Henry askes.

"Not sure.", Belch says.

"Vic baby, can you see anything from where you at?", belch askes.

Vic leaned farther out from behind the tree to get a closer look only to loose his balance and fall, Henry and belch reach out to grab him but they two fall.

The loud commotion from the three boys falls caught (y/n) and Patrick's attention.

The two sit up from their spot only to spot Henry, Belch and Vic on the ground across from them on the other side of the river bank.

"What the hell...", Patrick mumbles standing up Patrick yells at the three, "What the hell are you three doing here! Can't you see me and (y/n) are busy here!", Patrick yells at them.

Vic and Belch stand up quickly but don't say anything.

Henry stands up only to yell back at Patrick, "Busy doing what? Huh!", Henry yells.

"We're on a date fucker!", Patrick yells back.

Henry face falls and so does belch and Vic, they didn't know that.

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