Hater to Lover Dean x Reader

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Dean felt like a asshole each time he assaulted (Y/n).

(Y/n) was a witch who had grown up in a bad home with two parents who were also witches and had been planning to take over the world and unleash hell on earth, luckily she had contacted the boys and they stopped them before anything could happen.

The boys killed one of her parents, her father. He was a powerful warlock and had turned evil for her mom, who was a powerful witch in the witching world. Her mom managed to ecaspe but not without some wombs, after trying to track her down for a whole week the boys came up empty handed.

Sam felt sorry for her and took her in allowing her to stay with them in the bunker and travel with them on hunts. (Y/n) was so thankful and even casted a bonding spell with her and the boys, without them knowing. The bonding spell allowed her to work with them and only them. And it also allowed her to know when they were in trouble.

Castiel and her got along fine, they explored different places and foods as well as explore the world with her teleportation spell and his flying, they became the best of friends. Along the way she had gained feelings for dean and whenever he would assault and belittle her with words as well as some physical harm, it hurt her.

To know her crush hated her, it tore her apart. Sam on the other hand was like her father figure, he was the one who took her in and gave her a life. He even got her to go to online college, he would help her with work as well as have FaceTime conversations with her teachers to see how she was doing in her studies. She was a smart girl, sam was proud he could give her somewhat of a normal life.

A couple of months after taking her in killings had been happening, it started out with females around (y/n) age. Either they had the same hair color as her or eye color or looked somewhat similar towards her, same letter in the beginning of her name but then it started happening to males. Who just so happened to look a lot like sam and dean, eyes, hair color, similar clothing style.

"It's my mother.", warns (y/n) when she saw the reports. "Oh great another useless bitch we have to worry about.", said Dean with a glare thrown her way, "Let's just get this over with, as soon as that bitch is dead the sooner all bitches like her will be.", added dean. His tone caused (y/n) to flinch. 'Does dean want me dead?', she thinks to herself as she loads up with the boys in the impala.

As soon as the boys hit the town where the killings were happening at they were attacked. (Y/n) mother had the towns people under a spell, after a few knock out spells and punches were thrown at them the fighting had stopped. "Well look what we have here. The betraying daughter and the useless hunters.", her mother said.

After a few words were exchanged the real fight began, punches and witch killing bullets were fired. Spells from mother and daughter were thrown at each other even Castiel tried his best to help with his grace which was running low now. (Y/n) body laid a few feet from her mothers who was now dead on the floor, she had been hit with a spell.

Her eyes were rolled against the back of her head and dean held her in his arms. He knows now why he was so mean to her, he didn't hate her. He never did, no he loved her. Some where deep down dean knew he did but her being a witch something he was raised to kill and him being a hunter something she was raised to kill he felt as if it wouldn't work out.

"Cas! Heal her!", shouts dean holding her close to his body. "I am sorry dean, I can't. I am low on grace.", replies Castiel. Rocking with her body back and forth dean felt tears drip down his face, "I can't lose her. Man I can't!", shouts dean.

"I love her. I'm so sorry I was a dick. I'm sorry for not telling you baby, but I love you. You got to wake up for me baby, I promise you things will be different. I'll be different.", dean whispers in her ear.

After a few moments and everyone thinking (y/n) was dead her eyes finally opened, dean's apple green ones met her (e/c) ones and he smiled with tears in his eyes. "Dean.", (y/n) whispers out. "Yeah baby, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere else.", Dean replies back.

"I love you too.", says (y/n).

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