Passion Paul x Reader

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When Sam has come home - the pack of roughhousing wolves behind him a good distances; he wasn't expecting to see his mate Emily laughing and joking around with another woman.

A woman whom he did not know.

Clearing his throat to gain his mates attention the two woman's head snapped up from the cupcakes they were making towards Sam, the man smiled at his mate whom rushed to greet him with a passionate kiss. The other woman smiled softly when the two pulled away and waved, "Hello -" she greeted. "I'm (Y/n). I'm a friend of Emily's."

Sam raised a brow, he didn't know his mate had any other friends outside of the pack. Normally Emily was the loner type, her scar made it hard for her to make friends with others. "(Y/n) and I had bumped into one another at the supermarket today," Emily says.

"She had taken the last pack of steak and I know how much the boys wanted steak so she agreed to share it with me as along as she got at least a piece or two from it. Isn't she just so kind?!"

Sam grinned widely as his mate beamed with excitement. "That's very kind of you," says Sam towards (y/n). "It's nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Emily's husband, Sam Uley."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Uley," greeted (y/n).

"Please...just Sam. Mr. Uley is my father's name," Sam said.

"Alright then, just Sam," jokes (y/n) causing the two to crackle with laughter. Not long after the introductions were done the pack came bursting inside the house, they greeted Emily before continuing their roughhousing not once noticing (y/n) who watched with curious eyes.

"Boys -" Emily says clearing her throat.

"Leah.... May you all calm down a bit, we have guest."

"Guest -" Seth stops himself his eyes falling on the woman behind the counter, there she stood. (Y/n) - as quiet as a mouse. "Holy shit! How had we not noticed you?!"

Leah slaps her younger brother on the back of his head causing him to cry out in pain. "Stop cursing!"

"But you curse!"

"That's because I'm older then you," Leah says. Her eyes drift over to the female, running her eyes over her she takes in her appearance. (Long/short) (h/c) hair that falls (pass/over) her face. She had (small/wide) eyes and a (thin/thick) frame. Her skin looked smooth aside from a few tiny (scars/moles/birthmarks) on them. She wore causal clothing, a pair of (dark/light) blue jeans along with a (creamy white/plain white) (short/long) sleeved shirt. And plain (dark brown/black) boots.

"Sorry bout the loudness, I'm Leah and this here is Seth my younger brother," Leah greeted pulling Seth towards her.

"Pleasure to meet you two. I'm (y/n), Emily's friend."

"So how did you two meet?," asks Jared.

"Ah today actually, I was getting the last few packages of steak but Emily told me she needed them so I decided to share with her but only if I could get a few pieces in," (y/n) replies.

"How nice of you," Paul sarcastically says. His eyes were casted downwards towards his phone which was had been on since he arrived in the house.

" nice," Emily gently scolds him.

"I am being nice - but don't you think it's a bit..." Paul looks up only for his eyes to meet the (dark/light) ones that belonged to (y/n). Suddenly the world stops around him, he can't think, can't breathe, can't see..,cause all that surrounds him is her.

"I-I'm P-Paul."

(Y/n) giggled at the sudden change in tone of the male, she had no idea why the sudden change but the pack did. Paul has imprinted and Emily couldn't help but giggle along with (y/n), her reasons for giggling different from the females.

"Hi Paul," smiled (y/n).

"Hi Paul," Paul repeats with a lovestruck expression before snapping out of it, "I meant hi (y/n), I'm Paul."

(Y/n) and Emily exchange looks before bursting out into laughter the pack following after leaving Paul with red cheeks from embarrassment. But instead of him getting angry of frustrated like he normally would Paul simply joins in on the laughter.

"Real smooth," Jared grinned.

It's been a week since the pack had seen (y/n), the boys and their mates noticed Paul going out more, rather it be into town or down by the beach or into the woods. Today was the same like every other day, the boys crowded the kitchen/dining room for lunch all expect for Paul. Paul stood by the living room door dressed in a button up shirt with dress pants and some sneakers he's recently bought.

"Where you going looking so sharp Paul?," teased Jared.

Paul gives his friend a smirk, "Out."

"Out again?," Sam questioned. "More like going out with (y/n) again -" Jacob says. "Don't think I can't smell her scent on you!"

"Why you sniffing my girl? Those bloodsuckers not letting you near the kid again," teased Paul.

Jacobs jaw clenched, "Shut up."

Paul throws his head back with a laugh, "Anyways Sam - Yes I am going out again..." Paul says.

"With (y/n)," Jared adds.

"Yup -" Paul grinned.

"Speaking of (y/n) -" Emily starts, "Are you treating her right?"

"Well I mean she hadn't broken up with me yet so I must be doing something right," Paul smirks.

"Broken up with you yet? Don't tell me the poor girls dating you," Leah laughs with a raised brow.

"Yes she is," smirks Paul.

The beeping of a car outside draws the attention of everyone, "That should be her now. We're going to be meeting her parents later on today but right now we're heading out for our lunch date so no need to wait up guys," Paul calls over his shoulder as he leaves. The boys and Leah watch him go enter the car before the two of them drive off.

"Holy shit!"

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