Imagine Derek finding out he has a son

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Derek hadn't found out until he ran into a old fling that he had a while back. They had bumped into each other at the super market and she was standing beside a boy who looked like a younger version of him, same dark locks but he had his mothers eyes, (e/c).

He looked to be around 16 and that made Derek feel awkward, if this kid was his son then Derek basically missed out on half of his life. 16 years worth of getting to know him, thrown out the window. But if he wasn't his kid, which Derek doubted he wasn't then Derek could just move on with his life, right?

"Hey Mary." Derek says in greeting coming up behind her and the boy.

Mary turned around and faced Derek her eyes widening at the sight of him, "Derek.", Mary starts off, "I didn't know you came here. What are you doing here?", she asked.

Derek smiles and faces the boy beside her now that he was closer he was even more sure that he was this boy's father, "Just getting some food.", replies Derek turning back towards Mary.

"Hey Mary I know this may sound weird seeing as how we haven't seen each other in a while, but is this my son?", askes Derek.

The boy raised a brow at Derek's questions before going back to his phone, texting on it.

"No of course not why would you think that?", askes Mary.

She was lying.

Derek could hear her heart beating fast and when she lied it skipped a beat.

"Are you sure? Because your heart says otherwise.", Derek says with a smile on his face.

"Yes.", says Mary finally confessing the truth. "Derek this is your son (M/n). (M/n) this is your father Derek.", Mary says introducing the two to each other.

"He can't be my father, I don't know the first thing about being a son.", says (M/n) as he types away on his phone giving Derek a glance every now and then.

Derek just smiles at him.

"Your going to be at this.", Derek says, "Plus that makes two of us. I don't have any idea on how to be a father. But we'll find a way.", Derek says.

"I promise.", says Derek.

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