Leaving Jax x Reader

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Jax and his old lady (Y/n) had been together through it out, first starting out as best friends before Tara came into the picture and starting dating Jax.

Tara always knew Jax had a feeling for his best friend (Y/n) and she could see the girl had feelings for him as well, that's when Tara broke up with Jax, she knew she didn't hold his heart and she was okay with that.

All she ever wanted was Jax to be happy, even if it wasn't with her.

Throughout high school (Y/n) stayed Jax's best friend she seen him have many flings with women one behind her lab partner Wendy who happened to have a boyfriend at the time, she knew Wendy and Jax slept together and that hurted her but she wasn't going to ruin a relationship over a bit of feelings.

Wendy soon ended up pregnant and gave birthday to a beautiful baby boy named Abel and Jax helped her, being teen parents was hard but Jax and Wendy made it work until she gave birth to their other child Thomas, Wendy had left Jax that night alone with the kids.

She some how escaped the hospital without anyone seeing and ran off leaving a note behind stating she couldn't do this anymore.

(Y/n) helped him through that, she wasn't like other girls who would be scared to hang with Jax simply because he was a father now, she stayed by his side along with Harry who went by Opie and they helped Jax raise to beautiful boy's.

As they got older Jax changed he was no longer the flirter like he was in the past, he was a father he had to be there for his family.

He stopped partying and drinking until he joined the Sons, Jax had moved into a house close by his mother's Gemma house.

Jax worked in the garage along with the other sons who were a gang that nearly everyone in Charming was scared of, women wanted them, men feared them, teenage girls lusted over them, and teenage boys wanted to be like them.

Jax was currently at the garage, he had been thinking of quitting, not his job but being a son. His boys were growing up and he was barley around (Y/n) took classes online and worked with Gemma talking care of the papers in the office, Jax needed to spend more time with them, with his family, with (Y/n).

Jax had called a meeting and every son stood in the office where they held their meetings. "I can't do this anymore." Jax says the sons got ready to speak but Jax silences them, "I have a family now, I have bills to pay, I have sons who I barley see anymore, my old lady who I barley see anymore. And I miss them." Jax says.

The club stayed silent as they listened, "I won't be with you guys anymore, I gotta protect my family and being with the club puts my family in danger." Jax says Chibs who was closer nods his head, "We understand lad." Chibs says. "I need my sons to grow up, safe. Not like me being in and out of jail, I want them to have a good life." Jax says.

The sons nodded their head watching as their leader takes off his jacket, "I know this is hard for you all to accept trust me it's hard for me too." Jax chuckles slightly to himself, "That's why Chibs is in charge now, he's old enough to lead you boys." Jax says laughing as Chibs yelled out a oftened "Hey!" in reply. After the meeting Jax leaves the office in his plain white shirty before he gives his mom a hug and kiss on the head getting on his Harley and driving home, he was ready to head home. To his family, to his sons, to his old lady, to his life.

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