Chappin' Alien Cheeks - Jasper x Reader

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A/n: before we start reading just know this story is on crack like major crack

The year was 2019, tumblr still existed, Kylie Jenner was pregnant with her second child, spn was still on air and The Simpson's was still predictabing the future.

(Y/n) - jasper girlfriend who was coolio with the vamps of Forks was chillin like a villain with her best friends, Rosalie, Alice, Esme and Bella. The five of them sipped some smoothies while watching a documentary about Area 51.

"Do you think aliens actually exist?," Bella asked.

"Probs," Rosalie strugs leaning back against the sofa.

"They probably do nowadays girls," Esme chimed in.

"Well if they do ima grab me a alien hoe and make them cheeks clap!"

The girls all gasped at (y/n) before the five of them bursted into a fit of laughter. "What the fuck?!"

"What -" (y/n) says faking a innocent look. "I'm joking."

"Liar! Your heart sped up," Alice grinned.
"Oh fuck it, you know what! If I see a alien bitch I would hit it and quick it."

As the cullen clans females continued to laugh and gossip they ain't see the boys entering the room. "What's this about hitting and quitting it?," asked Emmett who walked confidently into the room strutting his way over to his mate and future baby mama Rosalie.

"We were just talking about the newest documentary on tv about Area 51. Apparently people think that the government is hiding actual aliens there but others say that it's all made up. What do you boys believe," (y/n) says.

Carlisle and jasper exchange looks with one another, Carlisle's expression almost looks as if he's trying to have a mental conversation with Jasper but hey Jasper's a dumb bitch with dumb bitch syndrome and doesn't get the hint.

"Area 51 does infact exist," jasper says.
"Well yeah babe we know that, but do aliennnnns exist?!"

(Y/n) almost looked like that spongebob meme, you know that one where the words are LoWeR cAsE and CaPiTaL cAsE and he makes that really weird but dumb expression.... yeah that one.

"Aliens don't exist...well they might but that's not what Area 51 is for. Area 51 is a containment area for other supernatural creatures that could be remotely dangerous for humans and our species alike, that is why vampires run the section. Also another reason why humans aren't allowed there, since the vampires there mainly run off of blood packets and some off of animals it could risk the human being attacked if they get injured while trying breaking in."

The five woman just started at jasper as if he had three heads, Carlisle facepalmed himself while muttering under his breathe that jasper was a dumb bitch, Edward was snickering like a school girl more so swiper the fox and Emmett.... well Emmett was trying to get titty milk from Rosalie even though she didn't have any but that was just his excuse to suck on them tittes.

"You know what jasper, I'm gonna ditch you for my big tiddy alien gf."

Jasper raises a brow at his girlfriend. "You know sometimes I wish I would've left you inside of that mental institution."

"Oh go fuck yourself lover boy. But hey! Now that we know the truth about Area 51 left us go and make that shit ours!"

"You can't just go and take over something," jasper deadplants.

"Okay new plan -" shouts (y/n) standing with her finger raises in the air, "Let is go there and you all get buddy buddy with the desert vamps and have them show me some big tittie alien hoe who will make them cheeks clap on my imaginary dick!"

Some how plan b managed to work and now the Cullens found themselves in Area 51. It only took a couple of days - weeks actually to get there, cause ya know (y/n)'s still human and needs to eat, sleep and shit still. Fuck too, never forget to fuck jasper and ride him like a cowgirl.

Anwayssss, the Cullens made a deal with some big vampire official dude who would let them run the place for a day cause you know vampires need pussy too. Anyways the next day (y/n) went searching around the place found a space craft - the mother bot, released her and now the whole world is getting a face full of clapping alien cheeks.

Looks like dreams really do come true!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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