The Wolf Logan x Male Reader

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(M/n) was known as many things in his home town, The Beast, Monster From Hell, Hela GuardDog, but to his family who was a pack of wolves he was simply known as (m/n).

(M/n) was abandoned in the woods when he was just a couple months old, a pack of wolves found him and the alpha brought him back to one of the den mothers who raised him alongside her pups.

He had multiple siblings, Jackie was a female wolf pup who was a dark brown having a twin sister Anna who was a light brown.

Next was Halfdan who was in his early adult stages, he had pure white fur like his father and bright red orbs, he was a alpha and then he had a mate, Chesa who pregnant with a pup who by the scent was a baby boy, they named him Ric.

His father, Toby was the alpha of everyone and then their was his mother, Sara who was pregnant again with now 10 pups.

He had a big family, (m/n) fit right in with them all his mutation allowed him to survive.

His mutation was shapeshifting, it wasn't until he was caught by some bad people who wanted to experiment on him but he was saved by a man like him, Hank better known as Beast.

The X-Men team had been sent out by Charles to rescue a young man that lived in the woods, the X-men didn't go down without a fight through, after saving (m/n) he attacked them soon after.

Only to be knocked out.

He was panicking now, having found himself in room surrounded by people.

"Calm down young man, your okay, you are safe now.", charles said.

The voice of Charles and his words managed to calm (m/n) down who curled up into in ball and whimpered loudly.

It's been months since (m/n) was taken in by Charles.

While he still had his feral ways he was slowly learning to adapt to being a human being, he still was wild and like most animals he went into heat.

Storm took him out on walks so that he could get some fresh air, she would make it rain lightly to cool him off that's why she was his favorite person to be around.

Lately (m/n) had been on edge and everyone noticed, "Scent... Mate...", (m/n) muttered out before running off to his room.

Logan hadn't been at the manor in a while, he had lived in Canada for a while, got married and then tried to start a family but his wife couldn't have kids.

When his brother killed her and he got his revenge he decided to travel around, ending back up in London Logan decided to pay the school a visit.

While staying in a hotel Logan caught smell of someone, or something.

His wolf like mutantion caused the wolf inside of suddenly get wild, it wasn't until late at night Logan found himself no longer in control.

(M/n) found himself in the small garden of the manor, a man stood before him.

He was naked and the man was half naked.

The two attacked each other, tongue and teeth against each other's moth, (m/n) whimpered and submitted into the kiss of his mates.

Logan's senses were going wild, he was in control of his actions but at the same time he wasn't.

His hand grabbed the cock of (m/n) and he groaned at how it felt throbbing in his hand.

"Your so fucking pretty, bud.", Logan says.

The rest of night was a blur for both Logan and (M/n), when the sun rose the next morning Logan found (m/n) cuddled up against his side.

A bite mark on his neck, and Logan could smell his scent all over the male.

He looked down at them both only to them both naked, rushing to stand up Logan glanced at the naked male and sighed.

Grabbing ahold of his body Logan held him close to his chest before running into the manor and up to his old room, unknowingly Storm and Charles saw Logan rushing through the halls.

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