Goddess Avengers x Reader x Steve

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(Y/n) was known as many things to the team , she was their lovesble badass who liked to make cookies whenever she was bored.

She was the weirdo who lurked the vents with Clint, the only female on the team who actually knew how to get Natasha down onto the training mat.

She was their little tomboy.

The boys ever only seen her in boyish clothing, she tended to steal their clothing every once in a while, the boys often bought the clothing that would be of their taste since that was mainly what she wore, yet she wasn't having any of that.

Still she took their clothing.

Tony had decided to host a gala and that's when everything started, the bet.

"I bet you 10 dollars that she doesn't show up." Tony says.

"20 if she shows up in a tuxedo." Natasha says slamming her hand down on the table in front of them.

"Guys, we shouldn't be betting against a fellow team mate." Steve says.

"O' shut it Rogers you know you wanna see her in a dress, after all you've got a little crush on her." Tony teased.

"I do not." Steve mumbles out the slightest sight of red on his cheeks gave it away.

It was true, Steve did in fact have a crush on his fellow team mate (Y/n), whenever they had missions he would pair her up with himself, or even with training.

As the team continues with their betting they hadn't known that (Y/n), who was lurking in the vents was hearing every word they were saying.

'I'll show those assholes.' she thinks as she begins to crawl away towards the direction of her room.

It was the night of the party, everyone was dressed up, many celebrities that tony invited were there, paparazzi lined up in front of the building each taking pictures of the many guest attending Tony's gala.

"I don't see (y/n) anywhere." Clint says with a drink in hand, "Looks like I've already won this bet." Tony says with a smirk to Natasha.

"I don't think so Tony, you have until Midnight. It's no where close to midnight might I add." Nastasha says.

"Guys -" Steve starts getting ready to break up another argument between them two when he stops dead in his speech, exiting from the elevator stood (Y/n).

Her normally (short/long) hair was pulled back in a slick do thanks to gel, her (e/c) eyes stood out due to the beautiful Smokey look she had surrounding them and the pop of sparkling green giltter made them look more wider.

Her lips were a dark green color with a slight hint of clear lipgloss on them to give the dark green a hint of shine in them, she wore a shunning green dress that had sparkles on them, it glistened under the bright ceiling lights.

"Is that-" Tony starts but pauses when he sees (y/n).

"She's beautiful." Steve whispers out.

"Almost like a goddess."

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