10 Things I Hate/Love About You Chris x Reader

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"(Y/n) and me use to have this hate love relationship. The cast said it was just sexual tension but it was more then that, I guess I was just jealous of her getting along with the other cast men and got jealous along the way and yeah.", Chris chuckles afterwards.

Him and his girlfriend (y/n) was at a interview, their relationship was the hot topic in the famous world, people wanted to know all about their relationship and how they got together and Chris and (y/n) was happy to share how they met and got together, since it was a funny story how.

"Did anyone know of your crush on her?", askes the tv show host, Chris shakes his head with a laugh, "Sebastian actually knew before I did. I remember him telling me he saw the look of heart break on my face after a fight me and (y/n) had.", chris says.

"And (y/n) what fight was that?", the Host askes. (Y/n) adjusts herself in her seat, "It wasn't a real fight just a fight between our characters his Captain America and mine, Cobra. So basically the scene was them two arguing and my line was and I quote; "I don't need you.".", (y/n) replies.

"Well from what chris is saying Sebastian was right, Chris looks heartbroken.", the Host says before a video appears on the large screen across from them and it shows the two saying their lines and the heart broken expression on chris face.

"But enough about that, how did you and Chris meet?", askes the Host.

"It's actually all my fault, really.", laughs (y/n), "I was getting coffee in the break room and had run into chris there by accident, now I didn't recognize him at the time. He had a beard and I was use to seeing photos of him beardless so yeah, anyways I was in a bad mood at the time like mama needs coffee.", the crowd, and the host as well as chris all laugh, "Anyways I remember us bumping into each other and he askes me out on a date since my coffe had spilled he said; "Do you wanna go out sometime, like for coffe? I mean I did after all spill your coffee.", and I just remember telling him; "Sorry, all my support groups have a one member limit.", (y/n) says.

"I remember just thinking this girl has some serious trust issues, and like Sebastian he was with me at the time but he wasn't standing up with me he was seated at the table snaking on a cupcake and I go back over to him and tell him what happened and he just says; "If you think you know her, think again.", and like I'm just confused until I realized her and him were neighbors.", chris says laughing soon after.

"Did you two ever makeup afterwards.", askes the Host. (Y/n) smiles and nods her head up and down, "Yeah we did, I invited him over for ice cream and I told him; "Now, let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream.", and he agreed. But this was like a couple of months later.", laughs (y/n).

"It was damn near a year.", says Chris, this then causes everyone to laugh. "It did not.", (y/n) replies to chris comment causing him to give her a fake pout, "Curse my sarcastic nature.", he says. The Host laughs a bit before looking at them both, "I heard a little rumor going around that chris had gotten drunk and that's how he asked you out, is that true?", askes the Host.

Chris and (y/n) claps hands together and chris nods, "It wasn't exactly me asking her out I mean I walked all the way to her hotel room drunk and pounded on her door at 1 A.M. and she opened it and asked me; "Are you drunk?", and I replied; "Yes. I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow I'll be sober, but you'll still be beautiful.", and I guessed it just took off from there.", says Chris.

While the Host began to ask questions to (y/n) chris couldn't help but stare at his girlfriend with a love sick look, though times were rough in the beginning things worked out for the better between them two.

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