[AustinCarlile] Live Forever

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Author's Note:
First chapters are always hard for me. I just want to jump into the story, but I always stop myself. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, but I swear that I have a really good plot coming up. Let me know what you think?

“If there is one thing that I would change about touring, it would have to be the hygiene parts. I think I shower twice a week when we’re on tour and that’s gross. I like to shower, and not having a shower every morning throws me off. There are about ten bottles of perfume in my suitcase, because I can’t shower every day, so I drown myself in perfume.” Running a hand through my hair, I smile softly, resting my left foot in front of my right, sliding my hands into the back pockets of my jeans, glancing at the interviewer, not remembering her name, but not really caring either. I don’t know why she asked me to come, considering the only person she has looked at this entire time is Austin, I didn’t even know Austin before this, but I'm pretty sure he isn’t into one night stands.

He glances at me from the corner of his eye, smiling a tight smile, his lips in a thin line, nodding his head as if to say that he agrees with my statement, that he too hates the lack of showers while touring. All I know about him is that people fawn over him – girls and guys – romantically and heroically because he’s simply that amazing at what he does, at what he preaches. His band is on my laptop, on my iPod, on my phone, and I listen to them a lot, frequently, more than other bands, but that doesn’t mean I know him. I simply know his lyrics, not how he came to realization that those words would string together so well to create a song.

The girl smiles, tilting her head to the side, I find it hard to believe that I'm here, that the guys think this is actually good for us, when it really isn’t, the camera is panned on my chest, the girl constantly bats her eyelashes as if it’s attractive, and we’re talking about me not being clean. “What’s the worst thing about touring for you, Austin? Is it leaving your girlfriend at home and not being with her for weeks on end?” It was a smart way to figure out if he’s single, I’ll give her that, but it made the atmosphere even thicker with tension as I stood there, stunned at her forwardness.

My gaze falls to the cement under my feet, suddenly my eyes are fixated on the pebbles spread across the parking lot we’re standing on, wanting to count each one, to know how many pebbles are on the ground, anything that would distract me from this nightmare.

My gaze falls to the cement under my feet, suddenly my eyes are fixated on the pebbles spread across the parking lot we’re standing on, wanting to count each one, to know how many pebbles are on the ground, anything that would distract me from this nightmare. He runs his hand through his hair, laughing softly, a laugh no one could determine if it was real or forced, and shook his head no, his face twisting as if to brush off the comment of his girlfriend. Lots of guys on this tour have girlfriends, loads more than last year, a large percentage higher than  last year in general, so it isn't a surprise that Austin has a girlfriend as well, if what the girl asked was truly a legitimate question.

His tattoos caught my attention as soon as I saw him, while I was walking over here with my tour manager, Hunter, and his babbling suddenly faded into a silent sound as my eyes began to trace the contours of his inked arm and neck. I've seen many guys with multiple tattoos, all the time, everywhere I go, I live with guys who are covered in tattoos, I've dated guys covered in tattoos, tattoos are normal. But, but his tattoos attracted my eyes, lured me in, they meant something to him, all of them, it was obvious, each thing had a special story behind it, and I liked that.

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