[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterThirtySeven]

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Author's Note:

I know that the picture isn't of them, but let's pretend, okay, okay. Um, yeah, this charity thing was a spur of the moment, so I don't know where it's going to go either. But, enjoy this chapter!

I open my mouth, closing it quickly, trying to process what he just said, not knowing if he actually meant it, if it was a spur of the moment thing, I don’t know, I don’t, this, I feel like I am about to puke. There are so many things holding me back from saying it to him, the time, it’s so short, we haven’t been together for long, what comes with telling me that you love me, how much more responsible he’s going to feel after I say it back to him, I don’t, I want. “Do you really?” Saying it, I don’t, I don’t say it until I know, I think I know, I really do, but, he, what if he was joking around, what if he didn’t realize that he said it, what if he said it and didn’t mean it in the way I think he does?

Nodding his head, he bites down on his lower lip, nervous, like he thinks that I don’t love him back. Typically, I don’t, I don’t love people in such a short amount of time, I don’t, it’s just not how I am, I don’t toss those three words around, it scares me, so much of me is invested into the relationship as soon as I say it. “I, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t. But, uh, you can forget it if you want. Pretend that I didn’t say anything.”

Biting down on my lower lip, I take a small step closer to him, I wrap my arms around his neck, smiling as he lowers his head to look down at me, and I press my lips against his, standing on the tips of my toes, shockwaves sending throughout my body. Arching my back, I press my body against his, as close as we can possibly be, and he snakes his arms around my waist, sliding his tongue across my lower lip, and I gasp, shocked as he takes it as his opportunity.

Pulling away from the kiss, resting my forehead against his, I unclasp my fingers from behind his neck; I slide them down his collarbone and rest them on his chest. “I love you, too.” Crinkling my nose, I laugh softly, wrapping my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go just yet. He leans his head down atop mine, his chin resting on me as if I'm a stool, but I don’t even care right now, I don’t have any comments about how I'm not that short or about how I'm not an object and that people aren’t furniture, because I'm happy.


“I don’t know why you guys are staring at me like that. You’ve seen me in a dress and heels before.” Wrinkling my nose, I run a hand through my hair, suddenly nervous, they’re all staring at me, I don’t like it, it’s so uncomfortable, and if they're staring then other people are going to stare because usually they barely even look at me with enough interest to notice what I'm wearing. Tugging at the fabric of the dress near my naval, I tilt my head to the side, furrowing my eyebrows, watching as Blaze sighs exasperatedly.

Shaking her head, she stands up quickly, taking two big steps to me, and slapped at my hand, causing me to retract it quickly, the skin red. “Don’t tug at it. That’s not the type of material for you to tug at. And they're staring because you look gorgeous, Miss Ariel.” Blushing profusely, I look at her, my eyes growing wide, things around here spread like rumors at high school, I meant to tell her, but she ran off to a mall to look for a dress for tonight, though I told her about it before she came here, she knew about it, but why not use it as an excuse for a new dress?

Grabbing the clutch from the table in the small kitchen area of the RV, I shrug my shoulders, I can tell that she’s angry I left that out when I told her about my conversation with Austin, but I did tell her what he said and what I said, she was the first I told, that’s special. My relationship is no one else’s business, unless I include them in it, in the information, because my life is private, and my career is public, super public, and I need that secrecy. “I'm going to go and find Austin. You guys have to get out of here in fifteen minutes. That means no one can be late because Tino apparently got us all a limo. And I mean it guys. You know what. Get out there in five minutes. You have five minutes until you have to get out here. I’ll see you in fifteen.”

They're never on time, and Hunter works his ass off trying to make sure that they're on time, because eventually I gave up, or I simply change all the times to ten minutes earlier to ensure that they're on time. Walking out of the bus, walking down the stairs slowly, carefully, these heels are the highest heels that I've worn in a really long time, they match perfectly with the dress, the same shade of blue-green, and they make me taller, almost as tall as he is, but not really at the same time.

“Oh hot damn, that’s Austin’s jam.” Shutting the door to the bus, I lift my head, watching Alan and Phil laughing at what Alan said, and Austin blushes, punching his friends before turning to look at me, but he stops, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, but he doesn’t say anything. “Keeps him droolin’ until two a to the m.”

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to them, noticing that Aaron is shaking his head in disappointment, and I realize that he only does that when the guys are doing something they were specifically told not to. “Did you tell them to not embarrass you?” Glancing at Austin, I raise an eyebrow, laughing as he shrugs his shoulders. “Are you embarrassed?”

Crossing his arms over his chest, I finally realize how good he looks in a suit, he looks so attractive, so sexy, and I can see the tattoos on his neck since the shirt and coat don’t cover them. “I'm not embarrassed.” Walking over to him, I wrap my arms around his torso, laughing, and he rolls his eyes, snaking his arms around my waist, and something flashes, it’s a bright flash, I look up at Aaron as he puts his phone back in his pocket. “That’s going to be on Instagram soon.”

Oh, oh shit.

[AustinCarlile] Live ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now