[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterTwentyFour]

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Author's Note:

So, I know it's short and late. I know that it sucks. But I want to make things happen before I do anything. I can't just be like, and three weeks later. So little things will happen here and there before I bring in Gielle.

Phil wraps his thin fingers around my wrist, pulling me, tugging me, I'm stumbling, tripping over my feet, his pace so fast, that I'm only keeping up because he’s holding on to me. “We have to talk about what happened earlier.” Groaning, I loll my head backwards, feeling my body being pulled forward, holding my other arm out in the air to stabilize myself, to stop myself from falling over, I'm not talking to him about anything, I told him all he needs to know and that’s about it.

Sighing, I stop walking as soon as he does, happy, my feet hurting, his grip on my wrist tighter than it was when we began walking, "When are you going to tell him?" Furrowing my eyebrows, I let out a soft laugh, as if I'm truly listening to whatever he's about to tell me, but he doesn't know me, he doesn't know the whole story, he doesn't have the right to tell me what I should do and when I should do it. Tilting his head to the side, Phil raises an eyebrow, almost confused with my reaction, yet I don't know any other way I would react, my reaction is normal, there's no reason for him to question me on this, it's none of his business really. "What do you think I'm talking about?"

“Wait, what are you talking about? What are we talking about? What are you talking about?” I'm stumbling, saying too many words, I'm talking too much, he knows what I think he was going to say, but he doesn’t say anything, he only raises an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side, almost as if he’s begging me to say what I thought he was going to ask. Running a hand through my hair, I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as I shift my weight onto my right leg, shrugging my shoulders, begging for him to continue with whatever he was going to say.

Sighing, he runs his hands through his long hair, biting down on his lower lip as his eyes scan our surroundings, looking for something, whatever it is I don’t know, but I find myself turning my head to the side to try to figure out what he’s looking for. “You didn’t tell her did you?” I have no idea what he’s talking about, who he’s talking about, if he really thinks that I remember most of what he told me that day, he’s crazy, because I barely remember any of it, all I can recall is breaking down and telling him the broad overview of what happened to my brother.

I want to go back to the bus, to hang out with the guys, to go out to lunch so I'm not stuck eating the same crap as I did yesterday, it’s boring, I hate it, it’s so bland and I have to stop breathing in order to down the food. “Phil, I'm not the type of person who likes to beat around the bush. So, if you want me to know something, then you have to come out and say it because I'm not in the mood to go back and forth.” He always catches me at the worst times, he must think that I'm a horrible person, but I'm not in the mood to deal with games, I don’t really care enough to try to figure out what he’s trying to tell me, I just want to eat.

Touring with me is hard, I'm not a mean person, I just don’t deal with things, I have a really hard time accepting things and other times I have a hard time letting other people accept things. The guys are waiting for me, including Blaze, we’re all going to lunch, all of us, just us, like it should be, the family.

“Did you tell Asia that I like her? Did you tell Austin that I like Asia? Does anyone besides you know that I like Asia?” He doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that I'm being rude, and I'm grateful for that, I don’t mean to be rude, it just comes off that way, he just knows too much, and it scares me, how much he knows and how he can simply tell anyone he wants because he knows about it.

Biting down on my lower lip, I close my eyes as I inhale through my nose slowly, evenly, trying to not laugh, to not say something that I’ll regret later on. “You dragged me all the way here to ask me if I told Asia that you like her. Phil, it’s none of my business. It’s not my secret to tell. If you want her to know, then you tell her. But, if you're so in love with her, then you should tell her before I do.”I've never really been one to threaten someone, even as a harmless joke, I don't get that humor so u won't expect others to get it when I say it, but I was being completely serious when I told him that I would tell her, hint at it at least, because now that I think about it she did mention Phil a lot.

With wide eyes, he looks at me in shock, terrified, and I don't mean to scare him, I've set people up before, on dates, like a matchmaker, and they've fallen in love with each other, I see a special connection easily, I love seeing it, it gives me hope that maybe some guy will have that same love struck look in his eyes when he talks about me. “You can’t tell her. I mean, you can hint at it, but you can’t flat out tell her. What if she laughs?”

“She won’t laugh, Phil.” A new voice joins the conversation, a deeper voice, a voice that sends shivers throughout my body, and I turn my head to see Austin standing behind me, obviously hearing something that he shouldn’t have considering Phil’s face grew pale. Laughing, Austin slides his arm around my waist, and I absentmindedly lean into his body, curling into his embrace. “I'm not going to tell her. I'm going to play matchmaker.”

Raising an eyebrow, I glance over at Austin, shaking my head as I let out a laugh, running a hand through my hair. “You're not playing matchmaker, Austin. If something is meant to be then it will happen and you can’t force it. Hasn’t Disney taught you anything?” I'm totally playing matchmaker, especially now that I know she likes him back, Austin says too much, he doesn’t realize that I'm a girl, and because of that I pick up on things like that.

[AustinCarlile] Live ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now