[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterTwenty]

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Author's Note:
So, I know that this was a long wait. Hopefully, it will be worth it. I decided to write in Austin's point of view. I hope that it works and it sounds good and it's awesome. Um, I incorporated some things about his mom. I'm making that super important, what his mom told him about love and such. I'm trying this whole characterization thing that we learned in AP Lit. Maybe it will work. It's going to be kind of like a symbol, you know, symbolism and that jazz. Anyway, I hope that you like this. I'm sorry for the wait. But, hey, I'm letting you see what Austin's thinking and I normally only stick to one point of view because you only see life through one perspective. And I'm sorry if you think the video is inappropriate for the chapter. I'm too lazy to see what songs I haven't used yet...

Austin Carlile’s Point of View

There are so many things about her that I love, that I'm head over heels for, she’s amazing, she’s the girl that my mother told me about, that one when I would just know, that I'm not only physically attracted to. My mother told me all about this chemical reaction when you meet the one, and I could have sworn that’s what I had with Gielle, I honestly thought that she was the one, but when I see Devon my heart beats faster and I can’t stop smiling like a fool when she smiles at me.

Nate had said something that had stuck in my mind, I can’t figure out what he means by it, because I don’t know what he could possibly be talking about. “She most likely won’t cry in front of you. I don’t think she can cry anymore. Don’t expect it from her. It’s not because she doesn’t trust you. So, don’t think she’s heartless if you tell her something that would normally make someone cry.” It doesn’t make sense; I don’t know why he would warn me about it, why she can’t cry anymore, he didn’t explain anything, just said it and quickly changed the subject, as if he realized he wasn’t supposed to say anything.

It’s different now, it’s so much better, now that I know her, that she isn’t just a singer I listen to, she’s the person I can turn to now. I want her to be able to tell me things, I want to be a good boyfriend, I don’t want to mess this relationship up, she understands the strains touring places on relationships, I want to make this work with her, my mom told me about her before she ever existed in  my mind. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned throughout my life is that my mother was wise, she knew what she was talking about, and most importantly she knew all about love.

“Hi Austin,” the girl drags out my name between her lips, as if it’s a thousand letters long, her shirt halfway down her chest and ending just above her bellybutton, she can’t be over eighteen years old. I place a smile on my lips, just happy to be meeting a fan; I've seen so many of her already today that I'm not surprised that they just seem to be getting younger. There’s no way in hell that I would ever date a teenager, not someone who was nineteen, not even someone who was twenty, it just wouldn’t work, it’s two different levels of life, I'm perfectly happy with my twenty three year old girlfriend, but they don’t know that, they don’t need to know that.

I think she thinks that I'm not aware of the tweets she was getting when the pictures and stories of us being seen together, holding hands, kissing, she’s been getting a lot of it, people are stupid enough to tweet them to me as well. She’s always had this idea, according to Nate, that if she ignores it eventually it will go away, all the bullies will stop bullying and all the bad things will just disappear. From what I know about her, she’s been the one to keep that idea for herself and not for her fans, she makes sure her fans know that she’s going to take action if they need her to, whether it’s a phone call or just to give advice.

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