[AustinCarlile] LiveForever [ChapterThirtyNine]

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The last day of anything is always the hardest, with the goodbyes and the departing and the empty feeling in the pit of the stomach because nothing is routine anymore; there has to be a new routine made for a new chapter in life, and each chapter seems so short that you never really want it to end. No one knows what is going to happen after, how these two months have truly changed anyone until they're over, and it’s terrifying, no one sees the same people every day anymore and it becomes hard to maintain the same friendships.

Not being on the same tour, going back home which is almost always across the country from each other, is hard, extremely hard, and I don’t really recall any time when I was in constant contact with someone I met on tour with besides the guys in You Me At Six and All Time Low. Well, those guys are an exception, we live near each other, and their manager is my best friend’s boyfriend, so I have to stay  in contact with them; honestly, there are other bands that I would rather stay in contact with, like bands that aren’t as immature.

“Are you ready for your interview?” Hunter slides into the booth across from me, resting his clipboard down on the table and his hands clasping together on top of it. Tilting his head to the side, he furrows his eyebrows, the last day is hard for us all, it’s such a culture shock afterwards, and that sounds so weird, so wrong, but it’s true, there are certain ways that you live while on tour that’s completely different than living in the real world. “It’s your interview with Austin first. And then you guys have a signing. An hour and a half after that you have the set. Then a photo shoot with the guys and a few more short interviews.”

Combing my fingers through my hair, I bite down on my lower lip, knowing that today isn't a day that I'm going to enjoy, there are too many things to do, too many people to say goodbye to that I'm not going to be able to. “Fantastic,” I don’t have anything else to say, I hate today, everyone knows that, yet they still try to make it better, but Hunter knows that this is the worst way I could possibly spend the last day of Warped Tour.

Yawning, Hunter nods his head, shrugging his shoulders, having no control over the schedules really, just in charge of saying yes or no, and we need more yeses than nos. “We should probably get you over to that interview.” I don’t even know who the interview is for, that’s how little I care about this right now, I’d rather be walking around and seeing everyone perform than doing interviews, they’re really no fun, but Austin is in this one with me, which leads me to believe it’s for that CTV or whatever people.


“Hey,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his embrace, my forehead resting on his chest, but I don’t hug back, I don’t want to be here, today sucks, I hate these days, and it affects my mood, it makes me sad. “Stop being a downer.” Leaning back, he looks down at me, raising an eyebrow as I tilt my head up to meet his gaze and I frown, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Everything is going to be fine, right? We’re going to do an interview and then you have an hour in between things to go and watch whoever you want to. Get through this. It’s not that bad. I'm here.”

Rolling my eyes, I smile slightly, taking note to his confidence that my mood should lighten just because he’s around, it’s nice, I like this, it’s so much easier when he’s around to make sure that I'm happy. “Can I have a sip of your water?” I drop one of my hands from his torso, grabbing his water bottle from his hand, not bothering to wait for an answer, but I hold it out for him, knowing that he’ll unscrew the cap for me. “Do you think that it’s going to be the girl who did our first interview? Shit, Austin, what if Warped ends badly like it started badly. That’s not good luck.”

[AustinCarlile] Live ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now