[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterSixteen]

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Author's Note:

I had to include what I did at the end of this update/chapter/whatever you want to call it. It gives serious insight to Adam and how Devon doesn't really like to have other people think they could do a better job at helping him. It also, maybe, gives a little hint at what Austin's going to do, if he ever finds out that is. And yes, we need a couple name, (:

“How do you feel about me?” My eyebrows knit together, my voice is quiet, I don’t know if he heard me, I doubt he did, I lower my head, looking down at the ground, suddenly shy, afraid of whatever happens next. For all my life, I’ve desperately tried to know what was about to happen, I had to know what was going on in my life before it ever happened, I had to prepare myself for whatever emotions I was going to feel, and now, now I don’t know, I don’t know what he means, I can only assume, I don’t know if he wants anything to happen, I can only assume.

Running a hand through his hair, he lets a sigh escape his lips, I watch as his beat up Toms approach me, taking slow steps closer to where I'm standing, but I don’t have the confidence to look up and meet his eyes with mine. “Is it really not obvious? Do you really not know? All the guys say that you know already.” His voice is strained, like he takes my guarded stance as rejection, but I wasn’t rejecting him, not at all, I’d be a fool to not want to be with him.

Biting down on my lower lip, I glance up at him from under my eyelashes, uncertain of where this is going, terrified of how this is going to end, I'm not ready to jump into something, I barely know him, but I can’t help the way I feel for him, it would be wrong to lie to him, I’d never get a second chance. “I didn’t know.” There’s nothing else for me to say, he didn’t tell me anything, he hinted at it, but I can’t just assume I know what he means because I don’t know.

Placing his hand on my cheek, causing me to look up at him, his eyes flicker down to my lips before settling on my eyes. “I know that you think that we don’t know each other. I know that it scares you. But, we do know each other. I don’t know if I'm supposed to know this, but I do, and I know that you know my lyrics and that you’ve watched my interviews. Hell, I’ve done the same thing with you. We know more than we think.”

“Austin, that’s not what I meant. I want to learn these things about you from you, from you personally, not from some stupid interview that I watched simply because it was all over Twitter.” Maybe I'm being mean, maybe I'm being harsh, but it’s all true, we don’t know each other, not the way I want to know him, I mean, I know things about him, but I didn’t learn them from him, he didn’t tell me these things because he wanted to, he told his fans and I just so happen to be a fan. Shrugging my shoulders, I run a hand through my hair, realizing that as I lift my arm my shirt slides up my side, I have to change, I hate showing that I don’t like about myself.

He doesn’t say anything, the look in his eyes holds contemplation, but I don’t know what he’s trying to decide, there’s nothing left to be said; he thinks that we know everything already and I don’t, there are things that I don’t share with fans, there are things that I don’t share with friends, those are the things he should know if I was to date him. His other hand rests on my other cheek, keeping my eyes locked with his as I raise an eyebrow, and he only smirks, before lowering his head and pressing his lips against mine.

My eyes grow wide before they flutter closed, it feels so right kissing him, our lips molded perfectly together, and he kept it simple, not asking for entrance to run his tongue through my mouth, it was a kiss, one that made my knees week. Arching my back, trying to get closer to him, I feel my cheeks burn with a blush as he pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead on mine, a small smile tugging at his lips. “We can learn.”

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