[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterThirtySix]

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Author's Note:

So, this one is a little unconventional for me. I don't know. I figured that I would try it. The end is a cliffhanger. Oh yeah, I just did that.

@devanchor: Someone on this bus just farted and it smells like death. Save me.

@austincarlile: @devanchor it doesn’t smell that bad, you big baby. you tour with a bunch of guys, how are you not used to it?

@tjanchor: @austincarlile oh, I'm sorry, maybe because our farts don’t smell as bad as yours

@devanchor: @tjanchor @austincarlile He’s right, Austin. Sorry to say, but you guys are running, like, gas chambers in here or something.

@austincarlile: @devanchor you’re such a child, sometimes I don’t know why I put up with you

@devanchor: @austincarlile You don’t have to put up with me. If you guys keep farting like you are, I’ll be dead soon anyway. Asshole.

@austincarlile: @devanchor you’re being a baby, I didn’t mean it like that

@devanchor: @austincarlile Nope, you said it. It’s in writing. It will eventually be on Tumblr. When I’m gone you’ll miss me.

@tjanchor: @austincarlile @devanchor I can’t believe she actually moved her seat on the couch. you’re shit out of luck dude.

@devanchor: @tjanchor Will you cuddle me since @austincarlile is an asshole?

@tjanchor: @devanchor @austincarlile keep me out of this one

@austincarlile: @devanchor will you please come and sit next to me on the couch? I'm not even the one who farted…

@youngfuego: @austincarlile @devanchor one, I did not fart, so someone had to. two, stop filling my timeline with this shit. three, dev, go sit with him before he cries.

@devanchor: @youngfuego You did fart, you lying bastard.

@youngfuego: @devanchor delete that tweet

@devanchor: @youngfuego Yes, young fuego sir.

@austincarlile: @devanchor oh, so you talk to him, I get it, whatever

@devanchor: @austincarlile Are you going to cry about it? Because if you cry, then it means you’re human, and maybe I’ll consider sitting next to you.

@austincarlile: @devanchor I don’t want you anymore, I have @AlanAshby

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