[Austin Carlile] Live Forever [SpecialUpdate]

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Author's Note:
I've decided to include this. It's Devon answering these questions. It just gives a little bit of insight to her life and how she thinks.

Something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal.
    Downloading music off the internet.

What you think your reason for being here is?
    To make a positive difference.

How you think your life would change if you achieved your dream?
    I have achieved my dream. I actually enjoy waking up every morning now.

Something you would change about the world.
    The way people talk to each other, no more hateful words, no more bullying.

Something you would like to change about yourself.
    I worry about things that shouldn’t be over analyzed.


What you think when you hear the words “be yourself?”
    That’s all I can ever be.

The worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given.
    Don’t worry, it gets better.

The best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given.
    They don’t mean anything. When you’re older, they’ll be pumping your gas.

Your favorite quote.
   “I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want.” Muhammad Ali.

Write about something you believe in, anything at all.
    I believe in the power of music. When you listen to a song, you’re not alone; you’re with the band and every single person who finds comfort in that song. At a concert, every single person in that venue is a family.


Your idol and why you look up to him or her.
    I look up to my brother. He’s been through hell and back. He raised me when our father left and my mother was working crazy hours to provide for us. He’s been there with me through everything. Without him, I don’t think I’d be where I am today.


Your thoughts on your family.
    My father: I don’t need him, I never needed him. My mother: the greatest woman I have ever been blessed to know, she’s my best friend. My brother: he’s my hero, I don’t know where I would be without him.

Something you makes you really angry.

A date you’d love for someone to take you on.
    I’m a huge sucker for romance. A nice picnic near a scenic lake would be awesome.

Whether you’d rather marry someone who’s rich but ugly, or poor but attractive.
    I want someone who I love. Money doesn’t matter. I believe you have to be physically attracted, but personality is the key.

Someone who really hurt you.
    My father.

Who are you?
    I'm Devon Pierce. I'm twenty three. I'm a singer. I'm a sister. I'm a daughter. I'm a girlfriend. I'm a best friend. I was raised by my mother. My brother was my father figure when my mother would work crazy hours to provide for the two of us. I'm a girl who is just trying to live her dream.

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