[AustinCarlile] Live Forever [ChapterNine]

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Author's Note:

Okay, so it's not the best or longest chapter, but the end of the chapter is really cute, or so I think. Um, yeah, I wanted to get something out. Twitter isn't going to play a super important role, but I figured that I would show how so many people already think they're together and what these people think about it. Austin will comment eventually, on the things they're saying, mainly about Devon, spoiler alert. Uh, yeah. So enjoy. And the next one will be better.

@MissyCakes: I don’t get why he would date @devanchor at all. He could do better.


@OliviaBranch: I guess the good thing out of @austincarlile dating @devanchor is the collabs that would come out of it, jk she sucks


@JakeBreak: the fact that @devanchor is taken makes me want to punch a wall


@dropdeaddd: I don’t get why no one is mad at Austin. @devanchor can date who she wants, and she’s drop dead gorgeous – don’t get jealous.

Drawing my eyebrows together, confused, hurt, sad, insecure, I run a hand through my hair, the grip on my cell phone growing tighter, my knuckles whitening. I just want everything to end, for it all to stop, I didn’t ask for this, for any of it, for the good things said, for the malicious words, none of it, and I hate it, all of it, this is stupid, I can’t deal with this. Resting my hand on my neck, the side of it, I let my fingers find a single strand of hair, ready to pull, it’s what I did in high school, when my brother’s accident happened, and it hurt, it was my self-harm.

I don’t, I don’t have the chance to pull, to resort back to the damaging habit, it was such a soothing habit, I hate words, I hate things that people say about me, it’s, I don’t, it’s not fair. My chest presses against someone else’s causing me to throw my arms out to my sides to steady myself, but a hand grabs onto my waist to do so, my body only closer to the stranger’s. Blinking, I look up, tilting my head, my eyes meet with the gorgeous brown ones that I've seen so many times since Warped started, the ones that I long to see, but now, now I wish it was anyone else, anyone besides him, even Travis.

“We keep running into each other.” Austin says, his voice quiet, lowering his head, his eyes meeting mine, our bodies still pressed together, his hand on my waist to keep me balanced, to stop me from falling, but I think I already did. A blush warms my cheeks, painting them red, and this time I can’t look away, we’re too close, I wouldn’t be looking at anything, it would be too obvious, he would know, he would know that he made me blush, and that rarely happens – it’s occurred more in the past twenty four hours than it has in the past two years.

Nodding my head, swallowing the lump in my throat, the nerves building up, I bite down on my lower lip, trying to think of something to say, anything at this point, but all I can think about is his hand on my waist and how it tingles. Running a hand through my hair, I lower my gaze, letting it rest on my shirt, finding myself more comfortable than I normally would be in this situation, especially with Austin here. “You should probably stop stalking me and then it won’t be an issue anymore.” Smiling softly, I inwardly cringe, not knowing why I would say that, why I chose that ridiculous line, I sound egotistical and obnoxious, like a stupid fan girl.

[AustinCarlile] Live ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now