Killing Me Slowly

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I've quit smoking cigarettes but I still crave smoke in my lungs,

It's an addiction I can't kick, a hunger that waters your tongue,

A nagging voice in your head, a pinch near your heart leaving you feeling stung,

A fucking itch you can't shake, the fucking past you can't outrun,

It's like a game you can't stop playing, even when you aren't having fun,

A game you face yourself - one that has no benefits to be won,

It's one of the biggest regrets you'll have when you're young,

It's the type of shit you try to leave past you but it just won't stay hung,

And you don't know how to quit because you don't know how it sprung,

And you don't know how long you will last until you cave into another "last one,"

And you'll hate yourself tomorrow because you promised you wouldn't do none,

This is a metaphor baby, your hearts what's got me fucking done.

- A.S

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