Chapter Twenty

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I got up and walked to the kitchen when I got there I saw that Simon was cooking breakfast, when he figured out that I was standing behind him he turned around and said with a smirk

'How was your sleep Hani?'

Hani POV

I suddenly got this feeling when he said that sentence like I didn't have to be shy or be nervous around him. I just sat down on the kitchen chair and answered him

'ye it was really... umm comfortable, well not the hangover that I have now but otherwise I'm good' I said with a small smile

'Well that's good, I hope you were comfortable after all the trouble you caused last night' he said with a teasing smile

That's when I freaked out, I just got a flood of memories about last night, when I fell into Simon's arms and the memory of my drunk talk and the stupid things I did.

Well the moment that I had about me being not shy just crashed, I just let my head bang with a loud thunk on the dining table, and I really think that the sound that came from my head when it made contact with table made the other guys that were sleeping wake up also when my head touched the table I remembered the hangover that I had and I really thought I died because of the headache that I had and at this moment I knew I fucked up.

When Simon heard the sound that the table made when I smashed my head on it made him run up to me and make sure that I was okay.

He put his palm on my forehead, and I don't know why but when he touched my head the pain just went away. I know it sounds stupid but if you were in my situation and someone that you have been admiring just touches you head to see if your head is okay your headache will go away.

'Are you okay Hani' Simon asked worried 'that sound didn't sound really pretty' he continued but I could hear that he was holding a laugh

'oh, I am okay' I said but then after I said that sentence the pain that I had earlier and times a thousand came crashing back and I groaned in pain.

'I'll get you some painkillers then we can eat' he said, 'could you maybe wake up the guys so they can also have some breakfast?'

'ye sure' I said and stood up even though I have a killing headache I walked to the guys, stared for a second then I stared to poke them in the face to wake them.

After a couple of minutes, I felt that they were waking up, so I decided to continue waking them by calling their name's. After waking them up I told them that breakfast was ready and that they should go to the kitchen to eat. When all of us got to the kitchen Simon came back and handed me the painkillers and then we started eating.

After eating breakfast Simon asked us if we wanted to do something to get our mind from the competition and do something fun together. We all agreed and went to our rooms to get changed, I got to my room and saw the clothes that I was wearing, and I just thought

'This isn't good enough to go outside in' I was dressed in sweatpants and a superhero-tee, I went to my closet and stood there for a couple of minutes trying figure out which clothes I wanted to wear.

After dressing myself for the second time today I decided to take a last look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing another superhero-tee (don't judge I love my Marvel and Dc) it was the latest movie well not the latest but it was close, I was wearing the Black panther-tee and some ripped jeans and a corset (not the one that makes you stop breathing but just a belt corset) because the tee-shirt was super long and big, the corset worked really well, my make-up was natural with just a winged eyeliner.

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