Chapter Thirty Nine

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Hani POV

After coming home me and Simon decided to celebrate a bit. Waking up the next morning was the best thing ever, I hadn't slept as good as I did last night in a while. Turning around I saw that Simon wasn't in his spot so I went out of bed and walked down stairs to see him in the kitchen cooking us breakfast, I walked over to him and hugged in from the behind, scaring him a bit but then he figured out who it was.

"Hey" he said and turned around and hugged me.

"Hi" I said to him and laid my head on his chest "Whacca cooking good looking" I asked him and kissed his cheek.

"just some bacon and eggs" he told me smiling and turned to the stove to continue cooking.

"That sounds good" I told him and sat on the counter to watch him cook.

"How you feeling?" he asked me smirking making my cheek feel hot but I just ignored him for a bit until I whispered

"Sore" which he laughed to and continued cooking.

When we had done eating we went to the sofa and watched something on Netflix. Because of last night's competition we got one free day until we had to go and shoot again and then the final begins, I'm like really nervous because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Maybe I'll ask Zion what I should do or what the theme should be.

After a while I saw that Simon had fallen asleep besides me so I took the chance to watch something that I like, I had started watching Sherlock Holmes and I know it sound really weird but I had never seen it before so I decided to try and watch it and now I'm obsessed. Simon doesn't want to watch it with me so I have to watch it alone or when he doses off while we were watching together.

I had just finished season 2 when my phone went off, I checked it to see who it was and when I was who it was took me by surprise.

It was my dad, I was hesitant at answering but I did it in the end, I put my phone to my ear and waited for him to start talking.

"Hani? Ertu þarna?" he asked me.

"Hani? Are you there?"

Because I'm from Iceland my dad always preferred talking in Icelandic to me even though he fluently talked English he always talked Icelandic to the people he knew talked it.

"Pabbi?" I asked him confused at why he was calling me. "Afhverju ertu að hringja?"

"Dad?" "Why are you calling?"

"Vildi bara hringja í þig og heyra í þér, sjá hvernig þú hefur það" he said and it made me kind of angry

"I just wanted to call you and hear from you, see how you were doing"

"Afhverju? Það eru komnir margir mánuðir síðan ég talaði við þig síðast, nei bíddu ekki einu sinni mánuðir heldur ár síðan þú hefur hringt í mig eða talað við mig, afhverju núna?" I asked him angrily and hurt.

"Why? Many months have gone past since you last talked to me, no wait not even months its been years since you last called me or talked to me, why now?"

"Hani, ég veit að ég hef ekki verið góður pabbi síðan mamma þín dó og trúðu mér ég sé eftir því að hafa ekki verið til staðar þegar þú þarfnaðist mér, ég vildi segja fyrirgefðu.." he said and I could hear that he meant it.

"Hani, I know that I haven't been a good dad since you mom died and believe me I regret not being there when you needed me, and I wanted to say I'm sorry..."

Meeting you ~ Simon DominicWhere stories live. Discover now