Chapter Thirty Six

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Hani POV

Coming of stage I felt the adrenaline rush through me I have never felt like this before, I saw Simon when I was walking down the stairs, I walked over to him and he gave me a hug and he whispered to me how proud he was off me and how much he loved me, we separated when I heard someone call my name, I turned around and saw that Taemin was walking towards me, he hugged me and said.

'Hani congratulations you were so good' he told me, I thanked him and we talked for a bit until I heard Simon clear his throat, I turned to him and saw that he was completely starstruck, I remembered that he had told me how jealous he was of me for meeting him because he was a big fan of Shinee.

'Oh, Taemin this is Simon Dominic he's a rapper and a judge on the show' I told him

'yeah of course I know him, I'm Taemin nice to meet you' he said to Simon while extending his hand towards Simon and they shook hands.

'Hani I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and my friend tomorrow, I think we are going for a picknick or something?' Taemin asked me

'Yeah that sound like fun' I said and looked at Simon 'Is it okay if Simon came along?' I asked him. Taemin thought for a short time and then said the more the merrier.

After taking to Taemin we said goodbye and decided to go home and just relax after today, we got home and instantly I went to our room to change my clothes, they were extremely uncomfortable to wear, I took a shower and went back downstairs and saw that Simon had lit candles and turned on the tv series that we had begun earlier.

'That was a hell of a night' I told him while I sat down next to him, getting under the blanket that he was under.

'Yeah but I was worth it, the performances were really good' he said while he pulled me closer.

'Yeah Bewhy was so good, I was really surprised that I made it through to the final' I said and snuggled into his side. 'What happened in the episode before I don't remember' I asked him, I had apparently fallen asleep during the last episode.

'Oh, Klaus had just been kidnapped by Hazel and Cha-Cha and he's in a motel being tortured for information' Simon said.

We had begun watching The Umbrella Academy, I was really skeptical at first but it turned out to be really good, even though I had fallen asleep but that was just because I was really tired and it just kind of happened. I don't really know how long we had been watching but I woke up when I felt myself move and being carried up the stairs.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw that Simon was carrying me.

'Just sleep babe I got you' he whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead.

Being woken up by an alarm clock is the worst feeling in the world and who the hell has that radar sound on their alarm clock, I always get a tiny heart attack when I hear the alarm go off.

I rolled over and saw that Simon was still sleeping so I decided to let him sleep for a bit while I showered, we were going to meet Taemin and his friend today at 1pm and the time was 11am.

I turned on the shower and waited to the water to get hot and went in, not even a minute into my shower I felt someone kiss my shoulder, and apparently someone decided to join me in the shower and stuff happened while in the shower that really don't have to be said.

When we got out of the shower, I got myself ready and we decided that we would go to a bakery instead of eating breakfast at home like we always did.

When we walked into the bakery I was greeted with the best smell in the world, when I was younger bakeries were always the best hangout places at home, we had like two bakeries that were the most popular in Iceland, but here in Korea there are so many different types of bakeries and they are everywhere.

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