Chapter Twenty Five

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Hani POV

When I woke up I just laid there for about an hour just thinking

'What the hell am I going to do after Show Me the Money?'

'Should I just go back home?'

'Should I get a real job?'

'Should I get my own apartment?'

Those things were floating around in my head, I could feel that I was going to have some sort of a panic attack because of the things that I had been thinking about, I just closed my eyes and tried to drift away, try to at least think of things that don't make me freak out. 

When I got enough of just lying in my bed and thinking about nothing I looked for my phone to see if there was anything fun going on, when I opened my phone I could see that I had some text messages from my father asking me if I was living fine or if I was having a good time, like he would care.

Then I opened my Instagram, I saw that I had gained a good number of followers since the last time I went on my Instagram, I think I had like 300 followers but now I have about 59k which is crazy, I was trying to figure out why I had gained so many followers the only thing that came to my mind was Show Me the Money and I was probably right.

I finally got out of bed and I decided to take a shower like I do every morning, while showering I was thinking how I the hell I got home, the only thing I could remember was that I went out with the guys, drank some alcohol and then nothing after that, I was probably standing in the shower for a long time because my hands were beginning to become like old lady hands or what we call them at home 'Rúsínu puttar' which means raisin fingers in English.

I got out of the shower, got dressed and started blow drying my hair, half way thought the process there was one word on my mind that I had no idea why it was there, the word 'Like', I stood there in the mirror looking at myself thinking it was maybe something I was wearing, that's why I am thinking about that word but nothing came to mind, I decided to just forget about it and head downstairs to eat some breakfast. 

When I got there was no sign of any human activity so I just walked to the refrigerator, looked through it so see if we had some food and there were none so I just ate a banana, wrote a note to Simon that I was going out and that I would see him at the shoot, and walked out taking my bag that had all my stuff in it, like my computer, headphones, etc.

When I got out of the building I put my headphones on and started walking. While I was walking I saw that there were a lot of commercials with idols on it which is weird because where I am from no one really knows what K-pop or Korean rap is, which kind of bugs me.

I could hear some whispering so I took my headphones off and looked around to see what was going on, thinking that maybe someone famous was walking around, when I saw no one and also saw that there were people looking at me I just smiled, bowed a little bit and continued walking, after walking for a little bit I could still hear people whispering, I was going to ask what was going on but I saw an ice cream shop that looked super cute.

3rd. Perspective (STAFF POV)

The staff of Show Me the Money was given a task to follow each contestant before the shoot which was at 1pm to see what they were doing when they weren't being the rappers that people saw on TV.

After filming almost every one that was on the show there were two left. Hani and Lea, some people had commented that they were curious about how their lives were when they were alone and had nothing to do. Well their wish just came true. There were two teams that would be following each girl, one went with Lea and the other was watching Hani. 

Meeting you ~ Simon DominicWhere stories live. Discover now