Chapter Nineteen

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Simon D POV

Before Hani comes home I was done with filming at 5 pm, I must say that we finished filming earlier than usual when I came home from the filming there was no Hani in the apartment, I just shrugged it off it's not like she is my girlfriend she can do whatever she likes I don't care, I just went to my studio to make some songs for the competition.

I was about half way done with the second song that I was making when I got hungry, when I picked up my phone I saw that I had been in my studio for about 5 hours and the time was 10:30 pm so I decided to check if Hani had come home, I walked to her room knocked on her door, I waited for a few seconds but when I got no answer I opened the door and saw that no one was there, I found it kind of strange, I just shrugged it off again because my stomach grumbled.

I went to the Korean-BBQ place down the street and decided that I would try to call Hani if she wouldn't be home when I got back, when I was on my way to my apartment I thought that I should maybe buy some ice-cream for Hani and me, because I learned that she has this strange obsession with ice-cream that I don't understand.

When I got home, no one was there so I picked up my phone and decided to call her, after a couple of rings her phone went to voicemail so I called again, after about 4 times of me trying to call her I gave up. It was 1 in the morning and I was getting kind of scared, what if something happened to her, what if she was kidnapped, what if she got hurt or doesn't remember the way home.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to wait for her on the sofa after a while I fell asleep. I woke up to someone trying to open the door, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 4 am, after a couple of tries I just decided to open the door, I figured it was Hani, so I just started my ranting.

'Hani where the hell have you been?! I have been worried sick about you.' before I could continue my ranting, the persons that I saw at my door step made me speechless.

I saw Bewhy and C.jamm standing in front of my door holding a really drunk Hani in their arms

'What are you doing here Simon D-nim' asked Bewhy with a shocked tone in his voice

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'What are you doing here Simon D-nim' asked Bewhy with a shocked tone in his voice

'I live here' I said 'Siimonn' I heard Hani slur

'I got third place, can you believe it' she said with a drunk smile on her face.

I could hear C.jamm and Bewhy whispering 'Do you think she is a stalker how in the world does she know where he lives'

While they were talking together Hani started trying to her herself loose from their hold, when she got out of their grip she when straight to me, however she failed and almost fell on her face if I didn't catch her she would have face planted on the floor and probably have a worse headache in the morning.

When she was in my arms I heard her mumbling something but the only thing I could hear was 'I won her mom, I won her for you' after that she just passed out in my arm.

I could see the scared looks on the guy's faces so I just told them to come inside and I would explain everything to them.

When everyone was inside I told them, I was going to put Hani in bed and comeback. I opened the door to Hani's room and laid her on her bed took her shoes off, put a blanket on her, turned off the lights and went down stairs.

When I was done telling them everything that happened to Hani after she came to Korea and why she was staying at my place they completely understood, we talked for a while and drank a couple of beers until they said that it was time for them to leave.

'Why don't you just stay here for the night, it's already really late and I think that you two aren't really in the state to drive' I said with a friendly smile

'No, it's okay we can just walk, our place is like a couple of mi..' before C.jamm could finish I interrupted him.

'No just stay here for the night, stay in the guestrooms upstairs, I don't mind' I said 'really it's okay it's the least I could do' I finished before standing up 'the rooms are just upstairs to the right, if you need anything my room is down the hall to the left' I said before I walked to my room I turned around

'If you need anything just ask and you can eat everything in the fridge' then I walked to my room I could hear two quiet yes' in the background, when I closed the door to my room I closed my eyes and let out a tired sigh.

I changed clothes and got into my bed and the only thing that I could think of was that this night was maybe the most stressful nights that I had ever had but at least Hani is safe.

Hani POV

Next day. I woke up with a throbbing headache, I got out of bed and took a shower so I could at least try to freshen myself a little bit.

While I was in the shower I tried to remember what happened yesterday, but I got nothing, after the shower I wore cozy clothes because I still had a bad headache.

I went down stairs and sat on the sofa to watch some tv because it was very early in the morning, when I was about half way done with the show I was watching I feel asleep, I was awoken to something touching my cheek, my eyes shot open and I was not expecting this person to be standing in front of me this early in the morning and especially in Simon's apartment when my brain decided to work again I decided to talk to the person in front of me.

'How are you here?' I asked the person in front of me just laughed

'Well when you decided to drink yourself halfway to death me and Bewhy had to carry you home' be said laughing 'When we got to the apartment you forgot the password and surprise The Simon ducking Dominic opened the ducking door' When he said that everything came back to me, everything that I said and did came back.

'oh god it was terrible wasn't it' I said putting my face in my palms in embarrassment 'it was okay' he said with a reassuring smile

'any way what are you watching?' he said while sitting down, after a couple of minutes he asked me what was happening so I had to tell him everything that was happening but in the middle of my explanation Bewhy came downstairs looking really tired, he sat down and asked what we were watching so I had to start from the very start.

After watching tv for a half an hour I fell asleep again but this time on C.jamm's shoulder but I was again woken up but this time by someone cooking something,

I got up and walked to the kitchen when I got there I saw that Simon was cooking breakfast, when he figured out that I was standing behind him he turned around and said with a smirk

'How was your sleep Hani?'

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