bruises to love ( part 3)

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Austin's pov - wow. she was beautiful. she had beautiful blue eyes. she looked kind of short. and her lips looked so kissable. it looked like she was shocked that i was standing here. did she know who i was? 

Austin: i'm so sorry for bumping into you.

Ashley: no no no its ok. she smiled.

wow her smile was beautiful. 

i helped her pick up all her books.

Ashley: thanks she said.

um you are Austin Mahone right?

Austin: yes yes i am.

Ashley: i can't believe i am standing in front of you right now. you are seriously my idol. oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to bore you.

Austin: no its ok. you aren't boring me. i'm actually happy you see me in that kind of way. 

Ashley: she smiled again. wow her smile was out of this world. um Austin before you leave can i have a picture with you? she said looking down. 

Austin: yes of course. but why do you keep looking down so much. don't hide that beautiful face. i saw her blush a little. it was cute.

here lets take more than one picture.

Ashley: alright. she smiled again. wow she is killin me.

when we were done taking the pics i saw this big bruise on her eye.

Austin: hey what happen to your eye. when i said that she jumped and looked in fear. i have never saw someone that scared in my life. are you ok?

Ashley: um yeah sure i'm fine. it was really nice meeting you Austin. thank you for everything and she walked away. i needed to see her again. i posted the pics of us on instagram. everyone was saying wow you two look cute together. i smiled to myself. but too bad she left too fast ill never be able to see her again. i frowned to myself. why didn't i go after her? i'm so stupid. stupid stupid Austin. i sighed and continued my search for whatabuger.

Ashley's pov - omg i'm still in shock. wait until i get to Sarah's and tell her. i was running back until someone grabbed my hair. and they said in a deep voice. you tell anyone that i kicked you out you will be dead. i turned around and it was him.

SD: what you have there? he took the camera i had. i had sent all the pics to austin through my camera. no i didn't get his number there was a certain way you could trace people's names and send them pics. anyway i was in danger right now and i'm so scared.

SD: who is this boy?

Ashley: no one i whispered. he grabbed me by my arm well looks like you won't be needing this anymore. he threw it in a puddle of water. i wanted to cry.

SD: now go along you little bitch go finish living out on the street. 

i ran away as fast as i could. i couldn't believe he did that!!! i finally arrived at sarah's the whole family was eating. she couldn't tell me they were because i don't have cell phone. sigh-

Sarah: hey my bestie is here! but why are you crying or were?

Ashley: its no reason. i'm just hungry.

we sat down and ate. and sarah's mom told me something couldn't believe. she said its officially! i'm living with them now. no one has to know. today was a really good day. i mean accept i saw him again. i don't even wanna see him again! i hope he dies. i'm staying away from that house as much as i can. i have another bruise on my face. urgh.

We got up to sarah's room. i told her the news and the OTHER NEWS. she was jumping up and down on the bed. screaming and cheering. aha 

Sarah: oh my gosh. Ashley he posted the pics of you two on instagram!!! my eyes popped out.

Ashley: no way!!

Sarah: yes!! come look.

omg i couldn't believe this!! i wasn't this happy in a long time. Thank You Austin Carter Mahone<3 i was reading all the comments like " omg jealous" " you two look so cute together" i smiled. wow! this is actually happening.

Austin's pov - i couldn't get her off my mind. she was so beautiful and amazing. I have to find her.

i told dave and he said watch out she could just be using me. to get to someone how could he say that?? he said i fall for girls to easy. 

I remembered that bruise on her face who would do that to her? 

I was on my way to my concert. ill be all in la till next friday. i'm going to this school to be a judge at this talent show this monday. i'm really excited.

Ashley's pov - Sarah helped me rehearse for the talent show. i was sing beautiful by Christina Aguilera. the song i sung in class that day. when i was done singing i looked up and sarah was crying.

what are you crying for??

Sarah: that was soo beautiful! you are gonna win this bestie! oh and one question?

Ashley: which is?

Sarah: when you and Austin start dating and going on tour together can i come?

i laughed at her. Ashley: either one of those things would EVER HAPPEN.

sarah: you keep believing that. one day ill be saying i told you so:P 

Ashley: yeah sure. 

Austin's pov - i was done my concert! it was amazing. i love my mahomies so much. i was on my way back to the hotel. wow i was excited to bring out " the next big thing" tomorrow. it was really gonna change someones life.

Ashley's pov- it was finally sunday and it was 10pm i'm not gonna lie tomorrow is the talent show and Austin is a judge. i was on my way to sleep. sarah was already out. she is a sleepy head.

It was 4 th period. omg its almost time for the talent show. i saw girls screaming in the hall way. i saw dave blocking them so they couldn't get to Austin i was just standing there looking odd. i didn't wanna seem like a crazy fan.

sarah: why aren't you over there seeing your future boyfriend?

Ashley: number 1 he isn't my future boyfriend. and i don't wanna seem like a crazed fan.

Ashley: ok whatever you say mrs.mahone. she winked and walked away.

I was backstage getting ready. i was so nervous. none of my family was here to support me. no one in this school likes me so i know they will boo me. after the "mean girl" went up with her ballerina stuff it was my turn. Austin probably doesn't even remember me. sarah was in the crowd and mouth. " good luck" anyway

the person said my name it. here i go. its my turn. 

Austin's pov - the next performer was up. i couldn't believe it was her. it was actually HER.

Her performance was AMAZING. i saw some people crying. she got a standing ovation and everything wow. she had the whole package. she was beautiful amazing and super talented. she was the last person up for the show. 

Ashley's pov - wow. people were cheering for me and everything. sarah: was backstage already she started screaming! 


i laughed.

HAHA no he won't.

they were about to announce the winner.

and the winner is................................

so whatcha think?(: who do you think won? thanks for reading mahomies! hoped you liked 

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