bruises to love ( part 5)

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Ashley's pov - i felt so woozy. i saw that it was Austin but i was so tired and messed up i fainted. 

Austin: i'm gonna take you to my hotel room!!! and clean you up. we are gonna find the person who did this!

I took her to my hotel room without even telling my mom or dave. this was urgent i couldn't believe someone would do this to her. her whole face was bruised and arms and legs. and it looked like someone spilled something on her. I was running some bath water until my mom and dave walked in.

mama: Austin who is this? and why do they look like this? my mom got closer to her. oh my god who would do such a thing? is that the girl who won the contest yesterday?

Austin: mom 1 question at a time. but yes its her.

Dave: woah do ya'll me want to call the police?

Austin: no they can't do anything. lets just try and wake her up. and get her in some clean clothes. and she looked like she was in the middle of eating or something.

mama: ok but Austin be careful.

I picked her up and dave started the hot water. i layed her on my lap and put some of the water on her face. she woke up after about 5mins. she was in shock.

Ashley - Austin is that you? she said with her voice shaking. omg AUSTIN I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE. HE WILL FIND ME AND COME AFTER ME AGAIN. I HAVE TO GET OUT!! 

she was trying to run but i grabbed her.

Austin: woah!! why do you keep running? and who are you running from?

Ashley - i can't tell you. i just have to go.

Austin: NO! i'm not letting you go back out there. your gonna stay here. whoever did this to you is gonna pay. 

she hesitated but than gave up.

now take off your clothes and lay inside the tub its nice and hot just relax. 

Ashley's pov - when i stepped foot in that tub my whole body felt different. all my bruises stinged because they were so dirty and dry. it hurted but i don't care. i couldn't believe Austin found me again. is this a sign or something?

Austin - mom we can't let her go back out there.

mama: Austin what do you want me to do?

Austin - we need to find who did this to her and arrest them! this is child abuse.

Dave- Austin is right.

mama: what if she is another crazy fan just trying to get to you?

Austin - MOM DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK SHE WOULD COME JUST TO GET TO ME LOOKING LIKE THAT??? i haven't told you this but there was one bruise around her eye the last time i saw her. whoever is doing this to her won't stop.

mama: ok i think i believe you. but where are her parents?

Austin: i don't know but when she is finish ill sit her down so we can talk about it.

mama: ok but still be careful and when you are done let me know.

Austin - thanks mom and dave.

Dave - no problem man.

mama : love you sweetheart.

and with that they both left. 

i peeked through the bathroom door. she was sleeping. she looked so calm and relaxed. i had to wake her up tho.

Austin - hey Ashley? she looked up with her amazing eyes.

Ashley - yes Austin?

Austin - um its time for you to get out the tub. i have some fresh clothes for you.

Ashley - oh alright thanks.

i let her get ready. when she was done when she came into my room she looked amazing. well besides you can see all the bruises but besides that she looked amazing i couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Austin - i don't mean to be to forward or anything but what happen to you? last time you had a bruised eye and now both of them are like that. and your whole body is full with cuts and bruises. 

Ashley - its a long story.

Austin - ok and? tell me what happen. you have met me twice already. and you said i'm your idol. you can't tell me anything?

Ashley - ok ok. but if i tell you, you will wind up getting hurt and i can't let that happen to you.

Austin - who will hurt me?

Ashley - I CAN'T TELL YOU. she yelled at me and then started bursting out i tears. 

Austin - shhh everything will be ok. i grabbed her shoulders gently and let her cry in mines.

look if you can't tell me anything how do you expect me to help you? 

Ashley - its not that easy Austin. if i tell you what i go through you will never want to talk to me again. and you will laugh at me.

Austin - no i won't. please tell me.

Ashley - ok but first can you take me somewhere first?

Austin - um sure. but where?

Ashley - my house......

Austin's pov - i told my mom and dave, they told me to be careful. Ashley was giving me directions to her house. when we arrived her house looked dark and run down. the paint job was a mess and the door was coming off.

Ashley - can you park your car behind the house?

Austin - um ok but why?

Ashley - just reasons.

Ashley's pov - i was walking in the house. it was dark so figured he wasn't home. i was on my way upstairs until someone said. " home so soon?" oh god it was him.

SD: YOU JUST GETTING HOME YOU BITCH. he said and took his cigarette out his mouth and put it on my arm, it hurted soo bad!!! i wanted to scream but i didn't want Austin to hear and then coming running up here.


i was shaking i didn't know what to say. he picked up the phone and threw it at me it hit my head and i fell.

Austin's pov - i saw a light turn on in her room. and then it shut off and came on. i heard someone screaming, was it Ashley? i saw something hit her wall it looked like it was her lamp. ok i'm going up there. what is going on??

Ashley's pov - he kept yelling me calling me a whore ect. the usual. i grabbed my stuff and threw it out the window with all the energy i had left. until i saw him started taking off his belt and then he picked me up and threw me on the bed. oh no this can't be happening. i was about to get raped. 

Austin's pov - i busted opened the door. no on was downstairs or in the kitchen or anything. i ran upstairs and i couldn't believe what i saw. Ashley was laying on the bed with only he bra and underwear. he was about to rape her!!!. when she saw i was at the door her eyes popped out. she mouthing the words " RUN" he turned around and was chasing after me. i lead him to the kitchen so i could get a knife. he grabbed me and picked me up and slammed be to the ground. i heard someone screaming up stairs it was Ashley of course. she came running downstairs with clothes on this time. she grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the back. she yelled AUSTIN RUN!! i ran and grabbed everything that she threw out the window and put it in my car truck. i turned around and she was running to the car. she jumped in and we drove off. i couldn't believe what just happen. was he the one who gave her all those bruises. ? she is never going back there again.

so what you think mahomies??(: you like it?(: thanks for reading<3 · Reply

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