bruises to love part 6

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Austin's pov - we were on my our way back to the hotel. she was shaking and shivering. she looked terrified. she started crying. i felt so bad for her. when we got to the hotel. without any hesitation she ran into the bathroom. what was she doing?

my mom came in the room.

mama: oh my god Austin what happen to you?

Austin: i um kind of got into a fight.

mama: with who?

austin: Ashley's stepdad.


Austin:she wanted me to go back to her house. she had to get things. i waited inside the car until i heard screaming and banging. so i ran in. MOM HE TRIED TO RAPE HER. so we fought him and stabbed him and the ran out the house.


austin: no not that i know of. its pretty dark.

mama" ok number 1 we gotta make sure the paparazzi didn't see anything number 2 she can't go back there.

i hugged my mom i'm so happy she understood. 

hopefully Ashley won't try and run back to him because she is afraid something might happen to us. i knocked on the door for her. no answer. i knocked again and she opened it. but i didn't see her? until i saw her in the shower shivering and still crying.

this hurt me so bad. i picked her up dried her off and put her on the bed.

Austin: hey i said softly. want to go to the beach? we can relax there.

Ashley - i look horrible Austin. you don't want to be shown with an ugly girl like me.

Austin - are you kidding me??? you are beautiful. lets go we are going to the beach.

she didn't argue back. which is something i know about her already.

we arrived at the beach. paparazzi were out but at this moment i didn't care. i only cared for Ashley. 

She sat down on the sand and started playing with it. when she saw me standing above her she looked up. wow her eyes were amazing. i figured i start the convo.

Austin - so tell me more about yourself Ashley i really wanna get to know you.

Ashley - Austin... why are helping me? there is so many pretty girls out there that would love to be with you right now. why are you worrying about me?

Austin - i don't care about them. and every girl is beautiful. so stop saying you aren't. please i just want to get to know you. i know all of this has happen fast. but you aren't going back there. you are staying here for as long as you need too. 

she hesitated and a tear fell down her soft cheek. i wiped it away with my thumb. she smiled.

Ashley - wow. its amazing you are like the first person that has ever cared for me. besides my mom. 

Austin - where is your mom?

Ashley - she passed away. and ever since its been me and him.

Austin - how long has he been doing this to you?

Ashley - a while. i never thought i be able to escape.

Austin - wow. i don't know how you delt with it. you are a strong person.

Ashley - thank you. 

I was rubbing her bruises on her legs and face gently. she was enjoying it. she seemed like she hasn't been this relaxed in like forever. it made me smile how i am doing this. 

For the rest of the day we talked, i learned so much more about her. the things she likes to eat. her favorite music. everything. i love her personality. she is really different. I liked that.

We got back to the hotel. she was feeling alot better. she was smiling more. but you could tell her past was trying to come back. my mom came in the room.

mama: Austin tomorrow you and ashley start the demo. ashley you ready?

she nodded and smiled. this is still all new to her.

mama: its good to have you here. i usually don't let austin do this kind of stuff. but you are one of a kind. she smiled and walked out.

Ashley - Austin i couldn't thank you enough for all this. thank you so much. she said and kissed my cheek. i'm not gonna lie. i blushed.

Austin - hey wanna take some pics on my laptop?

Ashley - but i look - 

i gave her the face.

Ashley - ok fine. she sighed. 

i smiled.

we took a bunch of pictures. some funny ones. some " cute ones" i put them on twitter and instagram. comments like " omg austin that's the girl you met before." " aww that's cute". 

i smiled. 

Austin - hey you hungry?

Ashley - yeah.

Austin - ill order some pizza is that ok?

Ashley - that's fine. she smiled.

when the pizza came we ate and i turned out the lights. it was about 3am in the morning. my mom and dave were sleep. me and Ashley we still eating. i popped in romantic movie. and we layed back and watched. something surprised me. Ashley grabbed my arm and put it on her heart. that was the sweetest thing ever. she nodded off on my shoulder. she was two cute.

When we woke up. Ashley was already in the shower. wow she's fast. i went into the bathroom too.

Ashley - oh my god austin!!!!!!!! i'm naked in the shower!!!

i smirked. 

Austin - oops i'm sorry. i winked and left the bathroom.

we arrived at the studio. alex and the wholee crew was there to support me and Ashley. 

I grabbed Ashley's hand and we walked in.


i heard Ashley laugh.

Dave - aww i see you blushing.

i started laughing too. 

they sung this song.

we sung a song i wrote a while ago.

it was called " before the storm".

me and Ashley started. 

wow! her voice was really amazing. its was flawless. i was amazed. After we were done everyone cheered. my mom was crying haha typical. the crew had went to get something to eat. i told them i'd be there in a second.

Austin - wow! that was flawless. you did amazing. i know they won't turn you down i smiled.

Ashley - wow thank you so much Austin. if it wasn't for you. i wouldn't be here. thank you so much. 

i smiled and took her hand we walked out. 

i told the crew i changed my mind i had something for just me and Ashley to go too.

Robert - awww austy wanna be with his boo boo. 

i laughed.

me and Ashley relaxed on the grass. we layed down and looked up at the sky.

Ashley - wow my mom is up there. i know she is proud of me. i smiled at her. she was amazing. 

we were finish eating. 

we were cuddling on the on the grass. i was rocking her back and forth. she looked up and me and smiled. then we i stopped. i put her in between my legs and she played with my hair. she looked up at me again and looked straight in my eyes. i was leaning in, until i heard this click sound. i grabbed her hand and we ran off back to everyone else.

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