bruises to love (part 34)

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Austin - " This is too much right now"

Tiffany - " I know but if you want to know the truth just listen... Ashley your real father is John Smith *not real* He was an actress as well. He died the day after you were born. He only saw you once in his life. Here is a picture of him holding you in his arms. * she passed it to Ashley* I never told you because I know you would be devastated. How would I be able to tell you that?"

Ashley - " I cant believe this.... how are we going to save Austin's mom?? we can't get on a plane this late." she said panicking.

Austin - " babe I have a private jet. We have to get back to atl NOW!!!!!!!" 

Austin's pov - No matter how mad I was at my mom if something happened to her I would die. Ashley, Tiffany and her lil daughter and me all got on the jet and we took off. The jet was on Auto so everyone fell asleep because they were all so tired.  I was sitting in the chair rocking back and forth tapping my feet. I better see my mother healthy and alive when I land.... I eventually fell asleep and realized the jet had landed. 

I rushed everyone out the plane.. I ignored all the paps. I had ahsley's hand the whole time and Tiffany was holding lucy who was sound asleep. It was 2 am in the morning so no would here the paps outside bothering us.  We hoped in a car and I got away from the paps! I was speeding so fast!! I have to get to my mothers house!!! I was swerving and speending swering and speeding. we finally arrived there!!!

Austin - *BANG BANG BANG* " MOM OPEN THE DOOR!!!" no one answered. I kept banging and banging.. no one was answering. I was getting scared. I found a key in my pocket!! I opened the door and everyone ran in...We were messing up things looking for my mom. Until I heard a scream.

Ashley - " AUSTIN AUSTIN!! YOUR MOM IS IN HERE!!!!!!!" she cried and screamed.

Austin - My mom was laying on the bed in handcuffs with only a bra and underwear on. He face was all bruised up and blood coming down her arms. I couldn't believe this. I ran up to her and tried to get her off the bed. "ASHLEY GO GET ME A KNIFE!!!" Ashley came back and tossed me the knife. I broke the handcuffs off and soon as I was about to pick my knife up Ashley yelled.... " AUSTIN!! OH MY GOD! DON'T MOVE!!!" 

Steven  - "ahahaha you thought you could outsmart me mr.mahone.... I knew you were coming! there was pictures thought I was stupid? I had my own plan already set out. I AM ASHLEY'S FATHER. AND THAT BITCH TIFFANY IS LYING. I knew you would find her and try to make her tell on my but its not happening...I will kill all of you in this room NOW! And that little girl lucy was a mistake! she wasn't suppose to be here right now! guys take her away!!" he said laughing evily

Austin - I couldn't believe who came into the room... it was zack and and Ashley's fake stepdad.... they grabbed Lucy and tiffany. Steven had a knife around my neck so I couldn't do anything.. but where did ashley go?? they didn't take her did they?? I had to find away to get out of this grip.. I heard lucy screaming! and I looked down a little and I saw my mother crying. She couldn't move because she know if she tried too steven would do something.

Steven - "all those years! Tiffany ruined my life! Now i'm going to ruin yours!!!" he said angry. " michele you atcually think that I loved you? HA! you are a bitch just like the rest of them! 

Austin - ok that did it! I kicked him and he screamed in pain! he dropped the knife and I picked it up. "MOM!! GOT FIND A OUTFIT QUICK! AND THEN FIND LUCY ASHLEY AND TIFFANY NOW!!!" she ran out the room. I was beating steven. I kicked and kicked him. His nose started bleeding. I picked the knife up and I was getting ready to stab him.. " YOU WILL NEVER COME NEAR MY FAMILY AGAIN YOU ASS HOLE! YOU PUT MY GIRLFRIEND THROUGH HELL ALL THOSE YEARS! AND NOW YOU ARE GONNA PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I Kicked him again before I was going to stab him but someone grabbed my arms and pulled me back. It was the police..... They grabbed me and took me outside. They grabbed steven and put him in handcuffs..... when I got outside I saw my mom, tiffany and lucy all sitting on the step, they were all shocked at all this...The police took steven and the others and put them in the car... I wonder how they  got out of jail... oh well it doesn't matter now because they are going back! Steven gave me an angry look through the window like " this isn't over" well he will be getting life in jail I just know it! I was so happy. The police asked me a few questions. I answered them with no hesitation. I didn't get any charges because I didn't hurt anyone. The paps were out and everyone was outside. My mom, lucy and tiffany and Ashley all ran up to me and hugged me. All this that has happened ended up in a different way than I ever expected..

*3 more months later*

Ashley's pov - Well... Alot has happened My fake father is in jail... my fake stepdad is in jail...I have a little sister... me and my mom have been catching up on alot. She said she knew I was famous all this time..She just didn't know how to contact me since everyone thought she was dead. I forgave her for everything even tho deep down I was still sad but I didn't wanna show it. Austin and I have been so happy lately. He is really amazing. We had a bunch of Interviews and concerts to do. Every interviewer asked us about the steven thing. I told them everything. I have a documentary coming out about my life and my new single is finally out.  I sung it on good morning America today. Everyone loved it. It was about my abusive fake stepdad.. Everyone knew about it. And I can't wait for this documentary to come out! my fans will see all the abuse and bruises behind my life. Austin was proud of me as well. and oh I forgot to tell you... I have been going to therapy. I did need help and I was getting it.. Well as of today. We were all living together. Lucy, my mom, mama mahone and Austin.. The house was  HUGE!!! its like we all had our own part of the house. I have been spending alot of time with lucy as well. She really is an adorable sister. i'm happy to have her. she wasn't a mistake..... Me and Austin were home alone because everyone else went out shopping for clothes and things. All of my bruises have FINALLY went away. and so did mama mahones bruises. She was really happy now and so was my mom. It was great to see smiles on there faces after all this...

I was laying in my room on the bed just relaxing and thinking about everything that has happened. Until you know who walked in ahah.

Austin - "hey baby!!!!!" 

Ashley " aha hi sexy" 

Austin -" You know I didn't get any milk and yet" he whispered seductively in my ear..

Ashley - " oh well come here handsome" i winked.

And with that me and my beautiful boyfriend made beautiful love. Which we hadn't done in months its all because of him that i'm still alive. I will always thank him for that...

So! whatcha think? I think this chapter was boring! aha but it will get interesting again i promise!!! thanks for reading~

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