Bruises to love ( part 23)

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Ashley - I love You Austin Carter Mahone.Ashley's pov - OMG he is in love with me?? AHH this is so new. Noone has ever loved me before besides my mom but that was years ago. I'm crying happy tears right now. I think I am in love with Austin. I don't think I KNOW i'm in love with him. " Austin i'm in lovw with you too. I just didn't know how to say it. He smiled and kissed me.

Austin - i'm glad you feel the same way, I love you Ashley Cole

Ashley - I love you Austin Carter Mahone.

It was A sunday and I don't have another concert till tuesday. So me and Ashley have two days off to just be alone no work. Alex and Robert and Sarah are coming on tour with us starting the week after the one coming up. So it should be fun I was excited plus I wanted Ash to have some friends. tbh I don't really know alot about Ashley's past life onky her stepdad thing I wanted to know more and right now was the perfect time. We were laying on the bed in our room. The tour bus wasn't moving because we are going to maryland next and that's not that far from nj so we can leave tomorrow. My mom will probably want to stay in a hotel tonite and then come back on the bus in the morning I don't know what she'll do but anyway I wanted to talk to ashley.

Austin - baby can I ask you something?

Ashley - sure anything.

Austin -  can you tell me more about your past life because we never really like talked about it. her eyes popped out when I asked her.

Ashley - Austin iii ddon'tt knoww she said studdering. was there something wrong and bad that she didn't wanna tell me?

Austin - baby I just wanna know I won't judge you or anything you know that. 

Ashley - ok but its a long story.

Austin - I'm all ears.

Ashley - ok so When I was like 5 my mom and stepdad had a big fight, i didn't really know what was going on but I was hiding in my room and I was peaking through the door look and listening.  *flashback* Mom" I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT, THAT WHORE!!!!!!! GET OUT. dad" I DIDN'T CHEAT ON HER BUT YOU KNOW WHAT AMANDA? I'M DONE I'M TIRED OF YOUR SHIT! I'M LEAVING. that's when he slammed the door and left. My mom sat on the couch cry and I came over and hugged her. She cried into my little chest and all I could do was pat her back because I didn't know what to do.  Ever since I was 5 my mom had took care of me, my dad never came back, But when I turned 10 I was coming home from school one day and I didn't have keys so i knocked on the door no one answered so I pulled the lock and the door opened. I walked in scared I kept calling my mother no one was there. The house was empty and everything was in a neat form. I sat down on the couch crying my eyes out. I kept thinking about where my mom had went I was only 10 what could I do? I grabbed all my stuff out of my room and went into my mothers room. I found a suitcase under her bed and I put everything in there and I walked outside to go to my grandparents house the only problem was they lived on the other side of the city. So i had to walk I couldn't stay home alone because I didn't know how to cook and I couldn't pay any bills. The people would find me and put me in a orphanage and I didn't want that. I had my tedy bear and my suitcase with me and I started walking. It got reall dark so i went to the park and grabbed my cover out my suitcase and went to sleep on the bench. I woke Up in Someones house but I didn't know who's. When I opened my eyes there was this grown man standing over me. Man" Hey sweatheart I saw you outside on the park and you looked lost Me and My wife came and picked you up. You are with us now welcome to your new family" And with that Austin I never had a normal life after that. They took care of me all the rest of my life. The man didn't have any kids but oneday I saw him and his wife arguing it reminded me of my mom and dad. I started crying and i tried to run out of the house But he grabbed me and pulled me back. And with my own to eyes I saw him stad his wife in the stomach and she died right on the floor. He didn't go to jail for it because there wasn't any evidence that he did it. He lied to the police telling them when he came home he saw her lying on the floor dead. Man was he a good actor he faked cried and everything. and Austin I didn't tell you this but that same day.... He, He raped me. He took all his anger out on me and from then he would hit me almost everyday. My life was never the same.

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