bruises to love ( part 11)

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Austin's pov - what's takin her so long? i was starting to get worried. i went into the girls bathroom i didn't care who saw. i looked everywhere in there she wasn't there. i went back into the club i pushed and shoved everyone she was nowhere to be found. i put my hands in my hair this can NOT BE HAPPENING. i ran outside i saw this really dark car it sped off. i think someone kidnapped her. i jumped in my car and followed the car. i was NOT letting them take her.

Ashley's pov - they put tape around my mouth. and i was in the back of the car with this guy... i couldn't see him very good.

unknown - listen you bitch if that boyfriend on yours ends up finding us. he will be dead too. you understand??? he said and slapped me. it hurted so bad. this all brings back so many memories. i'm crying so hard. Austin please come and find me. 

we arrived in this vacant house. they threw me in this closet type thing.

it was so tight i could barely breath. i have to find a way to get out of here. Austin probably thinks i'm still in the bathroom. 

Austin's pov -i sped really fast! i found the house the car was parked at. i went through the back way. i heard some men talking.

unknown voice: so what do we with this girl?

unknown voice: if her boyfriend doesn't give us 10 grand by midnight which is two hours we kill her.

i was so shocked to what i just heard. i was dialing the police when i realized my dial tone sound was on high. my eyes popped. i heard the men coming towards my way so i ran to the front of the house. i walked as fast as i could to see if i could find Ashley.

Ashley's pov - there was this small whole i could breath through. i saw these white high top shoes and i new it was austin. i whispered his name through the whole. he heard me the second time.

Austin: i'm so happy you are alive. i untied her from the closet. i kissed her with so much passion because i was so happy she was alive. 

don't let go of my hand no matter what happens you understand? she nodded. 

we were on our way out until my phone rung. it was my mom. i couldn't answer it. we ran through the front door. we were going for the car until these two men jumped in front of us they grabbed ashley from me and the other one picked me up and threw me up onto my car.

mama mahone's pov - Austin's phone was still on. i heard crying and screaming where was he?? what was going on. i heard someone yell "ashley nooo" i was in so much fear. i searched up where the call was coming from. i couldn't believe it.

Austin's pov - they had me and Ashley tied up to separate chairs. they had duck tape around her mouth and the guy kept punching her in the face and they made me watch. i couldn't take this. her beautiful blue eyes were now gray with so much hurt in them.

unknown guy - you see this Austin Mahone? if you don't give us what we want she won't be here anymore.

the kepy hitting and hitting her until one of her eyes was shut close. i was in tears and so was she. i heard these guys running around the house, they finally came into the basement. IT WAS THE POLICE. they took the guys and untied me and Ashley. she ran over to me and hugged me. i saw my mom come running and so was dave. we all stayed in this one hug for about a whole 5mins.

We arrived back to our house. i had Ashley sitting on the counter i was putting stuff on her eye. it was opening back up and could finally see her beautiful eyes again. i couldn't believe this happened to her. 

she has been abused so many times. i can't keep letting this happening.

mama: you two can't go anywhere right now. you two almost dies tonite. Ashley i am now basically your mom now. please don't get hurt again. you both are teens i let you have your freedom but this kind of stuff can't keep happening. she hugged us both tight and went upstairs. my mom was so in shock that that's all she can say and do atm. Dave said he would talk to me later. 

Ashley - Austin thank you so much. she said and looked me in the eyes. she was still sitting on the counter.

Austin - don't thank me. i'm always gonna be here by yourside. this won't happen again. i said and kissed her with so much passion. we basically made out on the counter. and i enjoyed every moment and every second of it.

whatcha think?<3 thanks for reading mahomies<3

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